Chapter 2

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"Good morning, sweetie." My mom greeted me while arranging our plates for breakfast. She is always hands-on despite the fact that we have a few maids in the house.

"Good morning, mom." I kissed her cheeks. "Where's dad?"

"He had a meeting with your fiancé. They're planning to merge the companies. You know your dad doesn't want you to handle the business since it's stressful."

I settle on the chair in front of my mom's while nodding. I am surely not a housewife type of girl, but I also don't want my life to revolve around our company. "Dad knows best."

I reached for the rice. As an Asian, meals are not complete without rice.

"Sweetie, are you sure with this?"

"Sure with what mom?"

She fetches the table napkin and gently wipes her mouth. She is sophisticated as always. "This marriage between Demetri and you."

"Mom, you and dad are the ones who keep on pushing me to marry someone rich."

"I did, but not from someone whom I didn't see growing up. All the gentlemen that I thought of being your fiancé are men whom you grow up with, and of course, their moms are my pals."

I took a piece of turkey spam and egg before replying, "I believe Demetri's the best choice, mom."

"What made you say so?" She said while gazing at me, studying me if I was telling my truth.

"He's...." okay, why is my mind blank? What are the good things about him?

A sudden flashback occurred in my mind. It was that night where I think my interest in him developed.

My friends and I decided to go to the club since we all passed the exam. Call me a nerd, but it was my first time visiting a club. I don't drink too, so my alcohol tolerance is low. Although it was my first time, I had no issues coping because my best friend, Nery, was an expert in this field. Hence, she always shares her knowledge with me.

"Have you heard?!" Trisha shouted while sipping on her vodka. The music at the club was so loud that everyone had to yell to be heard.

"What?" Andre replied while looking for his target of the night. "Mamamia! Is that the Hercadeza everyone is talking about?!"

I almost spilled my margarita when Nery, who was sitting next to me, abruptly jumped up to have a better look at Mr.Hercadeza. She squealed like a little girl, and I swear I could see hearts in her eyes when she saw Mr.Hercadeza. "Stop being such an attention seeker, Nery. Come and sit down!" I said while pulling her top down because I could see several people looking at our table. Nery continued to jump and make a scene.

I know Mr.Hercadeza, his the most popular bachelor in the town right now, as far as I'm aware. I can't blame Nery for being such a fangirl because every female in the city is swooning over that guy. I am one of them. There are no exceptions.

"Did you see him? I'd like to experience how those arms will embrace me in the middle of the night!" Nery said while settling back at the couch.

"Nah, maybe he's gay and would rather bang me than you." Andre retorted and stuck out his tongue. These two are on it again.

I rolled my eyes and spoke, "Let's be honest, that man would never play with us."

"Why would you say so?" Trisha asked while raising her right eyebrow.

I protruded my mouth and used it to point at each of them. "Can't you see what I'm talking about? He doesn't like us because we're too juvenile. I believe he prefers mature ladies."

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