2 ~ Flashback ~ 2

213 5 14

Narrator's POV

It was a quiet afternoon on Cybertron, a sweet Seeker was strolling the streets, with some papers to deliver, she was quietly walking to the University, to deliver an essay on the biomechanical functioning of the T-kog, but it all quickly dissolved.

The Seeker woke up with a start, that was about the third dream about that Femme, he was starting to worry but put his worries aside when he was called on the bridge of the Nemesis, arrived in the presence of his lord he wondered what he had to do with that Seeker, but did not have time to ask the question that the Mach in front of him stopped turning his back on him, turning to him, was his Lord, his Lord, the leader of the Decepticons, Lord Megatron

Megatron: Starscream, you failed your assigned mission again

Starscream: I humbly beg my Lord, the Autobots took us by surprise and-

Megatron: Let me guess, did they take the relic?

Starscream: y-yes my Lord ... humbly ask forgiveness for my failure

Megatron: I do not punish you just because I have another task for you, if you fail this too I will not be lenient at all

Starscream: thank you very much my Lord, I am at your service

Megatron: You will be in charge of overseeing the space bridge

Starscream: I will not disappoint you my Lord

Megatron: I hope so for your good

The second in command of the Decepticons took his leave returning to his quarters, he thought for a second of his dream, that Seeker was familiar to him, but not only from having seen her several times in a dream, in his heart he felt he knew her, but did not understand her reason, he let go of all those thoughts when Knockout, the only Decepticon doctor, requested a routine visit, but it was probably just because he was bored to death, the Seeker without hesitation headed to the doctor's laboratory to find him polishing his bodywork, when he noticed the companion could not help but smile, seeing him leaning against the jamb of the metal "door", as always, on the other hand

Knockout: Starscream

Starscream: what do you want?

Knockout: Nothing, I was bored and thought I'd call one of the more susceptible Decepticons on the ship

Starscream: I take it as a compliment that I'm your first choice, now, what do you want?

Knockout: Soundwave told me that you will supervise the construction of the space bridge

Starscream: Right

Knockout: that you don't think of using it

Starscream: if I wanted to go to another planet I would fly there

Knockout: but it would take forever!

Starscream: better late than never

Knockout: where did you hear this?

Starscream: human proverb

Knockout: What do you get to study humans? Incredible

Starscream: I'm not studying them, I just did some research on what they call the "Internet"

Knockout: and what did you find out?

Starscream: that the internet is ruled by videos of kittens and people getting hurt

Knockout: ah ... that's all?

Starscream: and I have found that their reproduction is extremely similar to ours

Knockout: Oh ... I understand, useful information?

Starscream: They know nothing about other planets, they never went beyond the moon

Knockout: it shows

Starscream: Humans are a treacherous and manipulative race

Knockout: like you

Starscream: yes of course, right

And with those words the Seeker left, accidentally meeting the last Decepticon he wanted to meet

Airachnid: Starscream

Starscream: Airachnid

Airachnid: I see that as always you are doing nothing

Starscream: you are no less

Airachnid: at least I'm a good ally

Starscream: stop it, I won't fall for it anyway

Airachnid: Too bad, I enjoy seeing you angry and helpless

Starscream: poor you, I wish you a bad day

Airachnid: equally

And so the Seeker was finally able to return to his quarters to reflect on those strange dreams, but he could not help but think that this Seeker looked like him, and a lot too, he seemed to have known her for a lifetime, but he did not understand, he could not remember and couldn't imagine who this Femme really was...

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