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Narrator's POV


Megabite: oh! Airachnid! It is you

Airacnid: what are you doing here?

Megabite: a maniac was chasing me but I sowed it

Airachnid: you are fantastic!

Megabite: no, it's not true!

Airacnid: and instead you are

Megabite: listen... would you help me to-

Airachnid: going home? Sure, I'm not leaving you here in the rain

The two walked quickly leaving that disreputable neighborhood, they walked for a while ending up in another neighborhood, not one of the places where famous people live, a common place, the two entered a building climbing up to the 4th floor, the Seeker entered the password and unlocked the biometric lock and they entered, it was a rather large apartment for one person, 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, living room and kitchen, the two sat on the soft sofa and started chatting, at a certain Airachnid asked her friend a favor

Airachnid: Hey Mega, can I stay here tonight?

Megabite: Doesn't Blackout leave you alone?

Airachnid: I had to have 25 welds put on last time

Megabite: I know, I put them on you, don't worry, you can stay here as many times as you want

Airachnid: thanks Mega, you are my best friend, indeed, my only friend

Megabite: quiet Airie, I will always be here for you

He had never had a dream like this, Starscream woke up with a start finding himself in the Knockout laboratory under observation, he looked around trying to understand what was happening and he felt his welded wounds burn a little, his attention was then attracted by a figure in the shadows, which turned out to be Knockout himself

Knockout: Hey Starscream

Starscream: Knowkout, what happened to me?

Knockout: Your body has accumulated a lot of stress and you have passed out, I have been watching you

Starscream: for how long !?

Knockout: three days, by the way ...

Starscream: what?

Knockout: You know you can come to me whenever you want

Starscream: what is this change of attitude towards me?

Knockout: those poorly welded wounds

The Seeker panicked for a moment, but then the doctor spoke again

Knockout: they were very deep and during these three days you lost a lot of Energon, but I managed to re-stabilize all parameters

Starscream: well... thanks

Knockout: h-huh ...?

Starscream: You heard me, I won't repeat it twice, now go call Airachnid, I have to discuss something with her

The doctor smiled, it was the first time that Starscream thanked someone openly, and this made the Decepticon happy, who after a few seconds came out of his laboratory to call Airachnid, as requested by his superior, a few minutes later the direct interested came out the door of metal from the laboratory, annoyed at having to maintain a conversation with Starscream

Airachnid: what do you want louse?

Starscream: first of all, don't you dare call me a louse when you are literally a spider in the first place, second, I have to talk to you about something... in private

The Seeker looked at Knowkout inviting him out and after a few crooked glances the two Decepticons were left alone

Airachnid: what do you want to talk about?

Starscream: Blackout

The expression of the Femme became dark and painful, the Decepticon squeezed her hips with her arms as if she were afraid that someone would hurt her

Airachnid: how do you know...?

Starscream: It doesn't matter, I don't know the details but I realized it hurt you

Airachnid: None of your business

Starscream: We may not be friends but I assure you I don't want anyone in the Decepticon army to get soft because he has known the wrong subjects!

Airachnid: he is now dead, the thing is solved

Starscream: So why does it seem that he still hurts you?

Airachnid: I don't want to talk about it

Starscream: Okay, but sooner or later you will have to solve

La Femme left the laboratory, ignoring the constant questions of the doctor next door, focusing only on her memories, she thought back to when she still had friends, or at least a friend, she was the only thing that made her feel calm, not for nothing spent a lot of his time with her when she could, Megabite was the only one who could cheer her up when the Sparkmate cheated on her or beat her, because yes, Blackout was Airachnid's Sparkmate, she believed she loved her, but instead l 'she only used for her body, at the exact moment she found out what had happened to her husband she ran to thank her friend, who without any problem had ended his life, to make sure she was calm, when Airachnid instead learned that Megabite was scattered, she lost the light of reason, and that's how she got to this point, ally of the Decepticons who shows her weaknesses in front of one of the Mach she hates the most, but who at the same time he is right, in time, in  the control room, a portal opened from which came out one of the highly decorated scientists of Cybertron, now become rude and mean

Megatron: It's been a long time, Shockwave

Shockwave: Lord Megatron, knowing the position of the Decepticon army I realized that joining your cause was the most logical choice.

Megatron: Your logic will certainly come in handy, and one more scientist never hurts

Shockwave: Thank you Lord Megatron

Megatron: You'll share the lab with Knockout, we don't have enough equipment for both of us

Shockwave: it is the most logical choice

This dialogue, however, was heard by our beloved Seeker, who was still trying to stabilize his center of gravity by not having the usual balance for sore welds, but decided to let it go, after all, Lord Megatron's decisions were absolute and he could not argue, so he simply decided to go and rest to fully recover

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