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Savannah listened to the mental communication between Ashe and Vanek.  He'd stopped Vangie from trying to kidnap Alayna's baby and RJ. He had her phone with a bunch of incriminating evidence.

The way he'd scared Vangie had Savannah grateful Vanek was on their side. She felt Ashe's amusement in her mind. Kane and Ayea were back from their morning run with Ashe.

Savannah heard Yvette scream and then the dogs whimper.

"What's wrong with her?" Ayea whined. "She acts like we're going to eat her."

Savannah laughed. That was so true. "Come up here and out of her way. We're going to have to leave soon to get them to the airport."

The pups rushed upstairs and Savannah listened to Yvette read Ashe the Yvette code of conduct.  Ashe was mentally trying to tickle her since she was laughing her butt off.

Savannah was trying to actually do something different with her hair and Ashe was having all of the fun. 

A knock at the door alerted Savannah to Vangie.  She sighed. "I'm not in the mood to exchange words with you, Vangie."

Vangie ignored Savannah and closed the door.  She was looking very alarmed about something.

"I know we don't like each other, so I'm coming to you as one mother to another."

Savannah turned and studied the female. She was dressed normally in black sweats and off brand sneakers supplied by the national guard.

"Ok. What's going on?"

Vangie sat on the bed and attempted to get comfortable but the bed was fairly tall.

"I'm worried about one of your potential sons-in-law.  I think he is dangerous?" She whispered the last word.

Savannah played along and looked shocked. Vangie had no idea that Vanek had already talked to her.

"Which one? What did he do to my baby?" Savannah turned giving her full attention now.

Vangie finger combed her hair. "Both of them honestly. Things have just happened so fast."

Savannah shrugged. "When you know, you just know."

"Right." Vangie waved that away. "Anyway my concern is with Laura's guy.  He just seems to treat her so rudely and calling her Hellion. That's not nice at all."

Savannah hid her smile. "Laura seems to enjoy it. She's smiling a lot more in the last four months than the years she was with Charlie."

Vangie smirked. "And you didn't smile though you were hurting?"

No, Savannah thought. Her real smile had been gone. "I see your point. I'll speak with Laura. Thank you for your concern."

Vangie nodded at my hair. "You want help with whatever you're doing to your hair?"

Savannah smiled and freed the mass of blue curls. "Nope. Another day. We need to get on the road."

Vangie left and Savannah shared the conversation with Ashe along their bond. He was outside with the men checking on the vehicles. We were ready to go.

The Harts had plane tickets back to Oklahoma in the Charlotte, North Carolina Airport.

The sun was out and the temperature was up to 37 degrees. The roads were melting, giving drivers a false sense of security.  Their group passed several cars in ditches and a few bad wrecks that had traffic backed up.

Luckily, their brigade made it to the air port with just enough time to spare.  Ashe and Marek turned in the rentals while the rest of us said our goodbyes. Rev had a bit of an emotional goodbye with his family that had Savannah turning away.

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