Memories of past (part 30)

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After seeing riddhima entering the building vansh drove off towards VR mansion.

Vansh's pov

I wanted to ask about the pills but I didn't she doesn't speak about her discomforts and has become very different person and i want her to become the old riddhima who was all fun and smiling. She smiles and shows bits of her old habits but there is something changed in her.

If i pressure her then she wouldn't take it as my concern and i want her to open up to me herself.

I park my car in the drive way and give the keys to the guard to park it. I walk inside i could hear many voices of laughing and tv was on. As i enter i see dadi and mom watching tv and Ishani, siya and angre together talking about something and smiling like they won diamonds in a lottery.

Aryan and his wife had come back from honeymoon and they are busy in their phone in two corners of the hall, are they already on the verge of divorce? Thinking that made me want to laugh.

My eyes land on the tv and a college is being shown in the news. Seeing this made me remember riddhima. I have liked riddhima on the very sight of her. She was running from someone and her face was red from laughing and few drops of tears on her face from laughing. I had gone to college to meet someone close to me and angre was with me. Seeing her i stopped in my tracks.

The college was littered with students standing and walking here and there so i was not in a position to be noticed standing and watching her moves. She passed from my side for the second time and she was on the verge of dropping down from so much running around. The boy appeared more close to her and she surrendered with a sorry and her breathing was fast. The boy made her do ten situps and then she went and laid down on the grass a bit further from the driveway . She laid down on the grass in the side and the boy sat beside her giving her bottle of water.

I came out of my daze when angre came and kept his hand on my shoulder.

V- What?

Angre- Boss ishani was calling u from a minute but u didn't hear it.

V- I was thinking about work

I said shrugging and looked around to see everyone staring at me.

Dadi- Vansh u got discharged from the hospital early and then u came home driving and that too alone. Other times u and angre stick together like a gum and when it's needed u send him away.

She started with her rant. If she hadn't blackmailed me i wouldn't have stayed in the hospital so long.

V- I didn't say him to come from another car.

Dadi glared at angre.

Angre- But boss how could i come in between u and riddhima. U wanted to talk with her

I am shooting him and that's final. He couldn't hear two three words from dadi and shutup but he had to blurt out like a stupid person he is.

Dadi stares at me narrowing her eyes like i would give away anything with my expression. Impossible.

Dadi- What did u talk?

V- I just dropped her home.

Dadi- You took the duty of her driver?

Ishani and siya started laughing followed by aryan but one glare from me and they stopped. Angre wouldn't dare to smile also right now because I will shoot him the minute he's alone with me and he knows it

V- No. She came to pay me the hospital bill so i dropped her.

Dadi- She shouldn't have paid it. It was our families fault that she got injured. She's such a nice girl but she wouldn't become my daughter and this saddens me.

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