Surrounding dangers(part25)

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Vishal- U fool how could u let her slip out of your eyes.

Unknown- I have been standing here from the time she entered inside but she never came outside.

Vishal- U are stupid she would have seen u & got out before u could notice her.

Unknown- But...(he was cut in between)

Vishal- Stop your nonsense & there tomorrow morning.

Vishal's pov

Now u will die mercilessly.
I thought to kill u with a single bullet today but now you will beg me for your death.

Riddhima woke up with worried visible on her face she was really scared but still she couldn't just sit still, she had to work there was no one who would tell her to sit at home & rest & take care of her. She walked out of her rented apartment with many thoughts going in her mind.

Riddhima went inside her office as instructed. She was trying to focus on her work but failed miserably. Everytime she was thinking what if its all Vansh's plan to get her but her heart did not agree to it. Soon it was 2pm as instructed by vansh she came out & went to nearby cafe.

Bruno-(on his earpiece) Everybody position yourself & be ready to attack if u see any suspicious movements.

Allen- Yess sir(all guards said in. unison with him)

Bruno was their supervisor

They moved steadily behind riddhima. They were dressed casually so that nobody gets to know they were bodyguards.

Bruno- I think he's the man in orange shirt. Allen keep your eyes fixed on him & others find anyone else suspicious.

Allen- Sir he called someone & told " she is in cafe u should come" when i passed beside him.

Bruno- Everyone capture him with being alert to your surroundings it can be false trap for us also. Driver come to the entrance.

The man was taken away by the other guards to vansh's torture room while bruno & allen stayed back to guard riddhima. Here riddhima was busy munching her chesse sandwiches & did not even get to know that a person was taken a minute ago

Bruno- Angre sir we got him & he is on his way to the torture room

Angre- Good job bruno u have to guard her till tonight. I will further instruct u.

Bruno- Yess sir.

Angre- Boss he's coming.

V- Intresting. Let's know our new enemy.

Riddhima got a msg.

V-(msg) Riddhima the man is caught i will get to know why was he stalking u & inform u. U should relax now. The guards will be behind u for sometime so don't panic if u feel someone is behind u.

A smile spread on riddhima's face that she's safe now but again she felt if its kabir's men then he would have found her she needs to get to know about it soon was it kabir's man or someone else otherwise she'll be in danger & had leave Mumbai forever.

Riddhima's pov

I'm  feeling bad for doubting vansh though I rejected him he never spoke anything about it & instead helped her if he wouldn't have helped me then that creep would be following me still. I really wanted to call him & thank him but then i would appear as an selfish person to him as if I'm using him & not caring for his feelings so i stopped myself do to so.

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