Chapter 11

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With Jungkook,

He went to a store to buy banana milk for him. He brought the milk and went to a park, mumbling angrily.

"He is really a jerk isn't he?! What does he think he think of himself?! Can't he for once be sweet but no he won't!! He is worst than Namjoon hyung at least he knows how Jin hyung looks at him and the meaning of it but no this fucker doesn't know shit!!" he drank his banana milk in one go when his phone rang.

He picked up the call "Hello"

"Where are you Kook?" 

"Somewhere why?"

"Can you come back home"


"Yes Kook"


"Please, we need you"

Jungkook sighed "What is it Lisa?"

"Just come home and now" Lisa ended the call.

"What the fuck?!" Jungkook mumbled but nevertheless he went home.

He opened the door with the spare key and a strong smell hit his nose.

"How the hell is in heat?!" he asked as walked in, closing the door.

"No one" Jennie replied.

"Then who the fuck released their pheromones"

"No one" Jennie replied.

"Then why is this room so hot?! And smelly?!" Jungkook hand fan himself and scrunched his nose with disgust.


"Bish which cake?" Jungkook asked as he sat on the couch, completely ignoring Taehyung.

"The other cake??!"

"Bish does that cake has a flavor?!"

"Yes!! The chocolate one?!"

"Then which cake was this?" he pointed at the empty plate of cake in front of him.

Lisa came out of the kitchen with the burnt cake and threw it on the table.

"Oh shit" Jungkook said.

"See the cake burned because-"

"THE CAKE YOU HOOMANS ATE HAD CUM!!" Jungkook shouted. Everyone looked at him.

"Did I just hear that the cake had cum?!" Yeonjun asked. Jungkook nodded.

"Whose cum?" Namjoon asked making a disgusted face.

"Taehyung's, because I can get only his cum" 

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!" the humans shouted.

"I think I should dashi run run to my room"

"And I think you should yeet the hell out of this house" Jisoo said.

"That seems like a better option, thank you Nonna" he pecked Jisoo's cheeks and yeeted the hell out of the house like there was wild animal running behind him.

"He just did not peck your cheeks!!" Rosé said ready to kill Jungkook.

"He just did not accidentally feed us Taehyung's cum" Yoongi gagged.

The door slight opened with Jungkook peeking in "If you mean intentionally accidentally then you are right" and he ran away from home.

"I don't think he is coming home anytime soon" Jimin said.

"He will go to IU's house I guess" Lisa said.

"Who is IU?" Taehyung asked.

"His friend" he nodded.

"But that does not mean we will leave him!! That hoe made us eat a cake WHICH IS MADE UP OF CUM!! I AM GOING TO KILL HIM!!"

"Can you make someone immortal?" Namjoon asked. Jin who shook his head sideways.

Namjoon sighed "He will pay for this one day"

Suddenly an evil smirk appeared on Yoongi's face.

"I have a plan"

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