Chapter 23

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"What's happening here?!"  a female voice asked.

"Nothing of your concern, Binna"  V said in a cold voice which just made her furious because there was a human's soul in V's arms, it was not a devil he fucked or was planning to fuck but a simple human's soul.

She walked up to them and tried to pull Jungkook out of his arms but the latter, like a monkey on a tree changed his position and went to V's back.

"What the hell?!" Binna was even more furious seeing his behavior. At least now she knows which humans her beloved fiancé spent sometime with on Earth.

"Exactly my words! What the fuck was that?!" Lisa asked.

"I just went from his front to his back, just like he used to do with my booty" Jungkook said with a smile.

"I want to learn that trick" Yoongi said.

"You need to learn jumping from one to another one" Taehyun said.

"So do you" Yoongi gave him a savage reply.

"I can teach you-"

"Shut the fuck up!" V said in an angry and cold voice shutting their mouths.

"You have a reputation to maintain here, V, you can't just let a normal human soul jump on you like that" she said with a smirk. V looked around and saw others looking at them with a shocked expression.

"Why don't you get back to the work you were doing before you heard the news of the new souls arriving. We will deal with them, personally"

"You are treating them differently, all of you are"

"What I do with the souls is none of your business, Binna"

"It is! I am your fiancé and the future queen"

"You are just my fiancé and the future queen. You are not the wife and the queen yet, butt out" V growled at her.

Binna chuckled "Before letting them inside your circles why don't tell how do you guys behave" saying that she left from there.

"Down" V said while turning his head slightly back to Jungkook. The latter immediately got down off him and stood behind him. He had locked his hands and was moving his hands and feet everywhere because he was nervous and scared as fuck.

"What should we do, now?" Jisoo asked.

V turned back to Jungkook and smirked "Let's know the main reason they are in hell other than provoking us and having sex with us" 

"You wouldn't!!" Jungkook said.

"Don't you dare!!" Namjoon said.

"Here are the details of why they are here" a devil came with a tablet kind of things and handed them to each one of the devil standing there according to the humans beside them.

"You can leave, now" along with him, the others also left.

"I was always curious about you and I knew you would come here, so I waited for the day you would come here so that I can read everything about you on your face"  V smirked and leaned down on his eye level. V could see fury in his eyes which made this more fun than it already is and he liked. He stood straight and and looked at the tablet thingy. 

Jungkook was about to snatch it but the moment he touched it, his hand burned and he hissed in pain as he held his hand and looked at V in surprise who just chuckled evily at him.

"You are not allowed to touch this. Only the ones I allow can touch and look at the content in it. Finally, my curiosity will be fulfilled while looking at your face" V smirked and looked at the tablet thingy.

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