Chapter 29: The past, the present and the future

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Y/n Pov:

Must be the millionth time I've lost consciousness because of my dark magic.

I began to see light as I came to be. Everything was blurry but all I could see was pink. I opened my eyes wide to see where I was only to find Umbridge staring at me. "You lost control of your magic" Umbridge said smiling. Oh how I hate when she smiles like that.

"Where am I?" I asked. "My office. The minister insisted you get my care. So it shall be" she replied still smiling. She picked up a glowing rod, looking like a piece of the sun itself. The end of the glowing rod had a weird figure on it.

"Is that-" "A branding, yes" she replied placing it onto my bare shoulder. "It takes out all those demons in you, makes you purified and ministry approved" she said. The rod made my skin sizzle, it hurt even worse than the black magic does. The ministry is so sadistic and messed up.

'I shouldn't shed a tear, I shouldn't make a sound' I reminded myself. I was never going to give her the satisfaction of hurting me. "Wait till Dumbledore finds out" I choked out. She giggled and replied "He's not going to know a thing, since you're not going to tell him, otherwise, everyone will know about what happened five years ago"

She giggled again as she took away the rod and put it into a bucket of water, making it cool immediately. I looked at the branding she gave me through a mirror. The symbol of the ministry of magic stamped on me  glowing red. "It's magic, and it won't come off" Umbridge stated.

I walked to the infirmary, my shoulder throbbing worse than the time I was hit by a bludger. I need rest after it all, and what better place than the infirmary, my second most visited place in Hogwarts?

"Y/n!" Draco exclaimed running up to me and wrapping me in a hug, followed by Pansy, Harry Mione and Ron. Even the twins and Ginny was there. They squeezed my branding, but I barely flinched. Guess I don't feel pain the same anymore.

"I'm alright now, just another episode" I replied to their questions about my well-being. "I need to rest, and sleep if you don't mind" I said. "Of course" they responded. They left after a lot of convincing and hugs. Draco stayed behind, wanting to talk.

"So what's up Draco, are you okay?" I asked. He shook his head no. "I'm sorry for all the drama and chaos that happened, I should have told you all of it" he stated. "Draco, it's okay. I understand you didn't think I could handle it. I wouldn't be surprised if you still wanted to be with Pansy though" I replied."Why would you ever think I would want to be with her?" he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and sat down on the bed. "Draco, where do you see you and I in a few years? You will probably be with another person, preferably one of good standards and great beauty, whereas I would probably be helping the world, doing my duty, alone."

"You don't deserve someone like me, a girl who goes against everything, a girl who has a bad past and a girl who may not end up well in the future or will end up alone-" "Stop it" he interrupted gritting his teeth.

"I can't listen to you go on like this. You shouldn't hate yourself so much love, why don't you see I love you for you, the world loves you for you. And why in Merlin's name would you ever think that I would want to be with someone else?" he asked, a tear slipping his eyes.

"You put everyone before you, never yourself. You don't even care about what you want, not even what you need. You don't see the full truth of what I think of you. I want to be with you my love, I can't live without you. Your friends and family all want you as well. You are so beautiful. You have to forget about your past."

"I know it's always a part of you but it doesn't judge you. The past, the present or the future doesn't matter if you don't love yourself and you don't see how much I love you, how much so many love you"

"All I see is a beautiful smart, courageous and amazing woman. No matter what happens, I love you, Parkinson loves you, Potter, Granger, the Weasleys, your father loves you. Your mother will always love you."

(I've been seeing to many people hating themselves, but this chapter is about how everyone is beautiful, no matter what. You're amazing, keep being you. Self hate isn't the best, speaking from experience, so love yourself, people love you, and please don't hurt yourself in any way, physical or mental. I know I sound like every other person, but it's all true)

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