Chapter 38:Little Hangleton Graveyard

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"Do you have a name for him?" I asked. "I was thinking Colin" she replied. "Colin, I like it. Any middle name?" I asked. "Cedar" she replied. "I want to go with Cedric, but it would be too obvious" she added. "Colin Cedar, has a nice ring to it" I replied. She smiled in response.

Cho remained in the hospital, under the secret basement for the next few days.

"Uncle Remus, dad, I want to stay at Pansy's place for New years" I said as we reached home. "I promised her I would come" I added. "Okay, but leave us the address" dad replied. "Of course not Sirius. She'll be in constant danger if she's away from us" Uncle Remus retaliated.

"We aren't having this conversation again. I've proven myself worthy a million times and yet you don't trust me" I said sighing. "It's about trust princess, it's about the fact we have a dark murderer and his followers prowling around" Uncle Remus replied.

"Uncle Remus please. It will only be for a night. I'll leave on 31st and come back on the first" I said. "Fine, but if anything happens to you, you are to blame, I will not be responsible for anything that happens and I won't help you with anything. I won't even care or turn a second eye to what you do" he replied.

"The address?" dad asked. "21 Pagont Mitauld Marcel" I replied. I wrote down for him on a piece of parchment and walked away.

Pansy's house visit is the perfect excuse. None of the families here are close to the Parkinsons, therefore not knowing where they live. The fake address is perfect too, one of them would figure it out if it's needed.

Unlike what Uncle Remus said, he was there every minute for an hour before I left, checking if I had everything I needed. Honestly, Uncle Remus is like a mom of sorts to me. He takes care of me like how I think my mom would have.

"If there is anything coming against, attack it, we can deal with the ministry afterwards" Dad said.

"I won't have her sent to Azkaban again! I won't allow it" Uncle Remus stated while hugging me. "Remus, nothing will happen" Tonks whispered to him. "I'll be fine" I replied. I received a kiss on the head from him, a hug from dad, a large goodbye from the twins, a mouth stuffed goodbye from Ron, and a proper one from the rest.

I flew with my broom to an alleyway nearby. I placed a map on the floor and I poked my finger with a pin, allowing the blood to fall onto my location on the map. With a deep breathe I pictured the graveyard where Cedric was killed.

The blood moved towards where the cemetery should be and I charted my course. I got on my broom and I flew non stop, sneaking past air guards and staying out of the muggles, my map in one hand and a compass in the other. 

I came to rest hours later, at according to my pocket watch, one a.m. I stood at the foot of the cemetery, Little Hangleton Graveyard. Horrible memories came back to me, of Cedric's limp body, Harry's screams as Tom touched him, the all great and powerful Voldemort's death eaters chanting and celebrating his return.

A death eater slowly walked up to me with wand in hand. "Y/n Black?" he asked. I nodded in response. He opened the gate, allowing me to walk inside.

And there he was, standing over the grave of his father, watching every step of mine as I came closer. "Y/n" he said acknowledging me. "Tom" I replied.

"We did not get a chance to talk the last time" he stated in his raspy voice. "We did, and I said I won't join you" I replied. "You and I were to be together, in this life and the next, you are only mine" he said. "And that is exactly why I left, because of the monster you are, because of your jealousy. I am no ones person." I replied.

"I will not be disrespected like that" he hissed. "You deserve disrespect and a lot worse" I replied. "I will ask you one last time, join me and become the greatest witch the world has seen, standing by me" he stated. "My answer remains the same" I replied.

"Deep down, you know you want to Y/n, to have power over everyone in this world, for people to fear your name and to bow down to you every step you take" he said. "The world will be ours, join me, and we shall be equals, on the same side" he added. "I will never" I replied. "We are the same Y/n, I know what you want" he said. "I'm not evil like you, we are not the same" I replied.

"Oh but we are! The power that you hold in your hands has done so much already. It has killed, caused death, hurt many" he said moving closer to me. "You killed your friends, and you are why I killed the Diggory boy, you are why I killed the Myrtle girl, you are why I am back here tonight, you are why this world is going to change, you know all this and yet you go on, showing that you hide the true evil in you" he said into my ear.

"I killed Petricia, I had a hand in killing Flogsworth, I caused Cedric's and Myrtle's deaths, but I am not why we are here tonight. It's purely out of fear" I replied. "Fear?!" he said chuckling. "Yes fear. Fear of the only two things that scare you most, death and me" I replied.

"You scare me?" he asked. "The thought of hurting me scares you doesn't it? The thought that I would be hurt, I would be dead, if you weren't, wouldn't I be dead by now?You keep asking me to join you, not wanting to take the choice of killing me?"I aksed. His vicious smile turned into a frown. "And not to forget your fear of death, after all it is in your name. Vol de mort, flight from death. I won't join you, not in this life or the next" I added.

"Nagini kill!" he yelled furiously, causing Nagini to come at me, nipping me on my stomach. I hopped onto the broom, placing a hand over my new wound and flew away, watching Tom glare at me as I left.

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