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I'm floating.

Just floating on a calm sea, or maybe it's a bed of feathers. Either way I am weightless in this brief moment of stillness. Part of me didn't want to leave this moment because I knew the hell that was waiting for me on the other side.

Imagine my surprise when I opened my eyes to find myself not in a dungeon, but in a nice room. I mean I was laying on top of a bed. AN ACTUAL BED FOR CHRIST SAKES! Although to call it a bed is almost understating it. This was a king sized four poster bed. That alone told me that whoever's room I was in was someone important to the pack.

Through groggy eyes I could see that the room was rather large with a sitting area on one side of the room that led to a balcony, and a HUGE walk-in closet on the other. It could have been another bedroom. Directly across the room from the bed was an attached bathroom. From the remaining heat wafting from there I could tell it had been used recently.

Maybe they were just playing me. Giving me that false sense of security before pushing me down the stairs and throwing me into the dungeon. My Hell starting all over again, just in a new place.

But as I was laying on that bed I let the most enticing scent surround me. A near perfect balance of pine, cedar wood, and coffee wrapped itself around me like a cocoon. I could have stayed wrapped in this scent for an eternity but then my eyes caught the clock.

6:45 am.

SHIT! Deadcrest expected breakfast to hit the table by 8am sharp, and I expected this pack to operate the same way. Maybe, just maybe, the 'Welcome to the pack Bitch!' beating won't be as bad if I make a good first impression.

I allowed myself 30 seconds to recover once I got out of the bed. My back was screaming at me because of the force I launched myself out with. It was so stiff but working through the aftermath of a whipping was something I had grown used to. Hopefully my back will be healed by tomorrow afternoon.

I had no idea where the kitchen was in this pack house, but I figured it was on the first floor. Turns out I was right because off to the side of the entrance hall was a magnificent dining room, and just beyond that was the kitchen.

7am what can I whip up huge amounts of in an hour? Eggs should be easy to do. I might even be able to get some muffins done too. Anything more would probably be pushing it. So I started running around the kitchen like a mad woman.

I don't know how I did it but at 8am sharp food was hitting the counter. Chocolate chip, blueberry, and apple cinnamon muffins, and scrambled eggs with ham and cheese were all ready to go when I saw the first pack members scurry in. I could tell that they were a bit surprised when they saw the food but I scurried back to the kitchen to start on some more muffins.

I didn't give myself a moment to breathe. I didn't even pick up my head when that scent of pine, cedar wood, and coffee started to waft in.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up." A deeply musical voice said from behind me. He was so close to me that I could almost feel his heart beat. "I had some duties to take care of and figured you would still be asleep for a while." Kind, he was being so kind to me. Why? Why would anyone waste their kindness on me?

I wanted to speak but all I could manage was dipping my head down even more to demonstrate my submissiveness. Part of me knew that this was the stranger from last night, and oh how I wanted to look into those beautiful eyes again.

He took one step closer to me and I could feel his breath over my shoulder. Don't panic. He probably just wants to make sure everything is satisfactory. Even as he looked over my shoulder at the muffins I was making he didn't say anything. Part of me wished he would start yelling because of how on edge his silence was making me.

"Don't worry about all of the shocked faces earlier. Sunday is normally the day we give the kitchen staff off and everyone fends for themselves. They were just surprised."

There goes that kindness again! Why is he playing this game? Am I not being submissive enough for his liking? What else can I do to show him how I wasn't going to fight or run? Even though his words and tone were kind I could feel his anger starting to rise. What was I doing wrong?!

With the panic starting to rise in me I dropped the whisk I had been using. Both of us bent down to pick it up. As our hands met to grab it, I felt this slight tingle run through my body. It was just like when you get a sudden chill in an otherwise warm room.

Instinctively I ignored the feeling and pushed it away. In a rush to get back to work I stood up too fast and almost fell over. This stranger was there to catch me, but as he steadied me his hand was placed on my back right over the marks from the whip.

I couldn't stop the whimper of pain as I felt that contact. Nor could I stop a tear falling from the corner of my eye. While I tried to pull myself together this stanger lifted up the back of my shirt, taking in the full extent of the injuries. I expected pain, not the careful and soft touches of his fingers as he traced the whip marks and other scars that decorated my back.

"Who did this to you?" He asked, his voice barely louder than a whisper. Frantically I tugged my shirt back down and pulled away from him. "Damn it Aurora!" His voice raised to an angered yell as he roughly spun me around to face him. "Who in their Goddamn mind thought they could mark you like this!"

Show no fear. Show no fear. Show no fear.

I was too shocked to even wonder how he knew my name. Instead I looked up and met his eyes. The ones filled with ferocity, rage, and death last night were now filled with rage, panic, and...worry? This man in front of me must have heard my heart racing as if I had just run a marathon because he let me go.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." His anger reigned in as the space between us grew. "It's just..."

"Hey Rowan! The pack is getting antsy. They want to know what happened last night and why the Alpha is still breathing."

A young man was leaning against the door now. The sweat on his body, plus the fact he was in a tank top and sweatpants, told me he had just come from working out. A peak of a tattoo crept over his shoulder, and a sparkle in his eye like a child. He had the build of a warrior used to taking orders from his leader, but his presence was just the same as this stranger...Rowan...the same way Rowan's presence filled the room.

But even with age, I knew that auburn hair and the almond shape of those brown eyes. I knew that scar on his chin was from chasing his little sister around and him falling on rocks after she fell right in front of him. I knew that when he smiled a small dimple would appear on the right side of his face.

Kadian was alive. My brother was alive.

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