Chapter I: What a wonderful day.

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There was laughter surrounded in the air, which was very much familiar to me, ofcourse why won't I remember it?as if I could ever forget it. I run in the house oops! Sorry mansion while searching for the voice as the sound of that joyful laughter makes my day more and more brighter. I search and search but suddenly it stops and all my surroundings becomes blur and mist covers me and it becomes more and more darker. I try to search for a single source of light but I find none, suddenly I heard a harsh voice and I cannot pinpoint where is it coming from but suddenly I am yanked by someone and I fell on the ground and everything around me becomes clear and I see a horrific sight in front of me. I was about to scream , when suddenly believer starts playing in the back ground and I get confused, slowly I open my moist eyes and see that I am in my room and I was just dreaming again.

Oh God! and my alarm clock was ringing or should I say singing "BELIEVER"? What on earth exactly happened to my alarm clock? And when exactly did it started singing?I clearly remember that I had set my alarm clock on a normal tone,then how is it possible ? I clearly am hallucinating or is it the effect of overwork? that these things are happening to me

By hearing my scream my cousin Mahi Di comes in my room.

"Why in the god's name are you screaming so early in the morning?"Mahi Di asked looking genuinely concerned.

"Actually I think my mind is playing games on me ." I said stressfully.Now Mahi Di was more confused

" why would you say that? " She asked me with a puzzled expression,rubbing my temples I informed her about the strange thing that happened just a few minutes ago.

" It's just that I clearly remember setting my alarm clock on a normal tone but today when I woke up my alarm clock was ringing oh! Sorry more specifically singing BELIEVER."

"Are you sure you didn't set the song" Mahi Di said looking utterly confused .

"Yep!I am pretty sure I didn't and I have never had such a problem with my memory ever and it's your mastery to forget things in everything except cooking thank goodness for that". I said without thinking.

And my sweet Mahi Di ...
Sweet ah !!no sassy, confused, angry bird,clumsy and the list goes on and on and atlast sweet Mahi Di took a whole 10 minutes to realise that I was insulting her memory.
And the count down begins now 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,and now comes the actual scream everyone brace yourselves for Mahisouras.

" How dare of you Sanvi Rai to speak to your elders like that? Are you even in your right mind to insult your elder sister like that? Oh holy mother of Jesus !what has the world turned into ............." and blah blah blah blah blah

As Mahi Di was busy cursing me oh! Silly me so sorry not cursing, going on and on about how world turned into and what had happened to me? and how I have committed a sin and how was my punishment going to be given in hell, while I completely zoned out in my own world and did I mention you all that Mahi was dramatic if not then she is the fourth best actress in our family.
After some time of me being in my open eyed sleep. My dearest elder sister Mahi noticed that she was actually preaching my books, alarm clock,sofa,bed,wall, curtains and all the other things in my room except me.

"Oh My God ! Where you even listening to me Sanu ? " Mahi Di asked glaring at me,it was not like it was going to have any effect on me,if I am being honest then her glare was like a baby glaring, which obviously can never have any effect on anyone. It was not like I was going to say her this,.... atleast not now.hmmm

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