Chapter 22:- She is back Lucas!!

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I choked on my food and started coughing vigorously. Sanvi hurriedly stood up from her seat and made her way towards my struggling self and started patting my back.

Finally after five minutes my coughing stopped and Sanvi passed me a glass of water, which I greedily gulped as if I was thirsty for ages .

After making sure that I was alright, Sanvi got back to her seat.

"Lucas, It seems like you are too shocked by my sudden revelation, let's finish eating first , then I will answer your questions." Sanvi exclaimed in sheer amusement , I could only nod as I was too embarrassed by my own antics.

Why do you always behave like a teenage boy infront of her? Aren't you supposed to be a hot headed, Arrogant CEO? My conscience chided at me. I just chose to ignore it.


Now we were sitting on Chaise longue {Long chairs} in the Patio [Garden], as it had stopped raining. Neither myself nor she uttered a single word, the silence which engulfed us, wasn't awkward, rather it was peaceful and serene.

Out of the blue Sanvi started to speak, breaking the peaceful silence.

Are you by any chance trying to accuse her for breaking the silence Lucas? my conscience mocked me and I internally rolled my eyes at my supposed conscience. Why would I say that?

"Lucas are you listening to me?" Sanvi questioned me, I hastily nodded my head in affirmation.

Liar. my conscience commented, I just scowled internally at my conscience, I was basically arguing with this conscience of mi--

"So can I start now? It looks like you are done arguing with yourself." Sanvi said in amusement, with a small smile on her face. I looked at her in bewilderment.

How the F**k did she know about that?

Sanvi let out a small laugh, she has a beautiful smile, and does everyone's laughter sound as melodious as hers?

"You said that out loud Lucas, and don't worry almost everyone argue with their subconscious." Sanvi said highly entertained by my embarrassed self. I nodded at her, I seriously want to bang my head somewhere.

you are not even going to think about that, what have I ever done to you, you crazy f****r!! My conscience literally screeched in my mind.

"I think you don't remember that or maybe you do, but it was a year before Nate's death. There was a charity ball in which, I think you made your first appearance infront of the world by attending that ball, as it was always Luke who accompanied Lucien Uncle.
You know what, we could have met that day, anyways unfortunately I had an exam the other day, so Nate had to go alone as it was stipulated, considering the fact that he was the highest donor.
Nate is that kind of person who wouldn't stay in these types of gathering for more than an hour. So imagine my surprise, when he didn't return home for like four hours and on top of that without me being their with him. I was astonished by that information, cause it was a first and a very surprising one to say the least, When he came home that day he looked happy and highly amused. He said to me that, he'll tell me about this afterwards as I had to study and all, but I was very curious about the events in the charity ball that made my Nate that happy, I just couldn't wait, so I pestered Nate a little not that I needed to do anything, Anyways, he then told me that it was a certain someone, who actually made him happy." Sanvi said with a wide smile on her face as if she was reminiscing that memory. I groaned lowly, Great!! I amused Nathaniel too.

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