xxv • heavy sentiments

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I WAS WRITING MY EXAM WHEN THE DAILY DOSE OF HEADACHE only college could offer started to destroy my confidence.

Fingertips gripping my pen roughly, I jotted down reasonable answers, all before lifting my head to catch a glimpse of the time. 11:52am. I had just eight minutes left to finish my paper, and at that moment, I couldn't seem to find my confidence. But, when I placed my pen down, I was surprised my brain hadn't imploded.

With a tired sigh, I hastily stood up, shoving my pencil case into my bag haphazardly. My heart thudded rapidly in my chest as I clutched the test papers in my hands, eyes darting towards the front of the room where my professor sat comfortably. Letting out another sigh, I bounced down the steps of the lecture hall, and I could feel everyone's gaze on me until I had stopped at my Criminal Justice professor's table. I placed my paper facedown on the ebony table, earning a nod of approval from the advanced man.

It was the second week of November, finals week. After the Halloween party, the entire school went into overdrive, studying for finals and finishing off assignments. Days were a blur nowadays, morning conflating into nights in a matter of seconds—or so it seemed.

It was when I had skimmed through the questions in my exam booklet that I realized that the professor was they type who would put most of the things you didn't read on the exam. And despite my endless studying since the beginning of the academic year, the exam—as expected—came to bite me in the ass.

When I stepped out of the hall, I found Valen lingering by the doorway, waiting for me so we could head to the cafe together. And judging by the smug smile that played on his lips, I had no doubt that he was enjoying the grimace that was visible on my visage.

"Hey," he greeted me with his famous grin. Dressed to the nines as per usual, Valen still managed to distract me while I was having difficulty in breathing. Underneath his black jacket, he donned a red polo, paired with black jeans, and a pair of pristine black oxfords.

I admired his sense of style watching as he shoved his hands into his pockets before nodding to the greeting some of the students gave him. It baffled me how he was so oblivious to the looks he received from both the female and male students.

I flashed him a subtle frown, rolling my eyes as I approached him. My eyes fleeted between the girls that stared and Valen, dropping my head to avoid their gazes. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, done with exams for today?"

I nodded and emitted a sigh, throwing my head back, before letting my eyes rest on him. "Yeah, and it feels like my GPA died! You?"

"I'm perfectly fine," he shrugged.

I rolled my eyes at him, however, his grin widened at the sight, fingers running through his hair. And upon stepping foot outside the building, the roar of car engines and noisy chatters from the street welcomed us warmly. I looked up, a soft smile playing at the corner of my lips as I took a moment to admire the scenery; the tall buildings and bright blue sky casting a glow over us.

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