U is for Understanding

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There were a lot of things Hachiman liked, some things he daresay he loved. But the thing he liked the most (other than MAX COFFEE, of course), had to be spending his time alone and being left with his thoughts. He always found it relaxing, he could do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. He didn't have to partake in forced or unwanted conversations that served no purpose. Being left with his thoughts and devices was comforting, and these were the times he felt the happiest.

Now was not one of those times—not by a long shot.

Hachiman would rather be anywhere else right now since he was currently on his couch. This may seem contradictory at first, but located in the kitchen not far from him, was his little sister Komachi Hikigaya, and the Fire Queen of Soubu herself, Yumiko Miura. Both of them were clad in pink aprons and happily chatting together.

The deadpan on Hachiman's face as he sat on the couch was fitting for such a person as him. Still, he couldn't help but wonder just why she had to come to his house. He couldn't say that it'd be better if the situation was the other way around, though. What happened to him teaching her to be like him?

That was all thrown out the window at the moment. Why? Because Komachi said so.


"So... where do we start?"

Miura's question made Hachiman realize he didn't have a clue what they were going to do from there. He'd only learned of her wanting him to teach her about 5 or 10 minutes earlier, meaning his brain was empty on the matter.

"Why are you asking me? You're the one who wanted me to teach you, so wouldn't it make sense if you were the one that had everything planned out?" Hachiman asked. Yumiko realized he had a point. Initially, Yumiko thought she'd just ask him and once he agreed, they'd improvise from there.

"W-Well, I have no idea."

"You're telling me you specifically sought me out and asked me to teach you how to be a loner, with no idea as to where you wanted to go next?" Hachiman said with a deadpan on his face. He couldn't help it, not after the stupidity he'd just witnessed.

"It's not my fault, I didn't expect you to actually agree!" Yumiko exclaimed, turning away from him as it felt like his dead, fish-like eyes were staring into her soul. The nonchalant expression he had wasn't making it any better. Hachiman continued to stare at her for a few more seconds before letting out a sigh.

"We should at least decide on where this 'teaching', will actually take place." Hachiman shoved his hands into his pockets.

"What are you talking about?" Yumiko said as if it were already decided and obvious. "It's gonna be at your place." Hachiman raised his eyebrow, wondering when they agreed on that.

"Oi, why is it at my place?! There are plenty of other places besides my house." Hachiman explained.

"Like what?"

"Your place." He smiled smugly.

"No way." She crossed her arms, standing across from him in an attempt to intimidate him. It didn't work.

Why not?" It seemed fair to him. "I'm the one who agreed..."

"You're just saying that so you can finally have the chance to go to a girl's house." Yumiko rolled her eyes, not thinking that but knowing it would at least mildly irritate him.

'What a bitch.' Hachiman thought before responding. 

"I'll have you know that I've actually been to a girl's house before." Hachiman replied as if he was proud of himself.

A Certain Loner's Protégé [Hachiman x Yumiko]Where stories live. Discover now