Nexxt Day Chapter 3 ('From Friendship To Love')

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Ze-Dark-Kitsune: Warning Sakura AND Ino bashing. 'Thinking' "Talking" 


Next day at school (Naruto P.O.V.)


So, I've decided that I'll tell Sasuke how I feel as soon as possible. I hope he doesn't hate me for it... I should tell him the next time we hang out. Yeah, that would be the best thing. Just then, I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"Hey, Dobe!"

"Oh, sorry. What is it?"

"What's wrong with you? You keep spacing out..."

"What? Oh, no I'm fine. I was just thinking." Me and Sasuke were talking, then I spaced out in the middle of our conversation. I was kneeling down, sort of, on his desk and he was in his chair. 

"Are you sure-" Sasuke was cut off because someone pushed me off of his desk and I landed on top of him. (Sasuke fell out of his chair, btw ~Ze-Dark-Kitsune).

"Sorry!" The guy that pushed me yelled.

"It's okay, no harm done." I said as I got up. I put my hand out for Sasuke to take, and he gladly took it. Once he got up, our faces were so close together. I don't think our faces have ever been that close before, and I doubt they will ever again. I could feel my face start to heat up so I quickly turned my head so Sasuke couldn't see my red face.


Lunch (Sasuke P.O.V.)


All throughout my first few classes, I just kept thinking of how Naruto fell on top of me and how our faces got really close together once I got up.  'You baka! You should have kissed him when you had the chance!' I kept shouting at myself in my head. Yeah, I think I just proved that I love Naruto. I sighed. If only he felt the same way as me. My thoughts were suddenly cut off...

"Sasuke-kun~" Really, again?!

"Didn't Sasuke tell you two to get lost, yesterday?"

"Why don't you just shut up, Naruto?" Pink ugly asked.

"Yeah, nobody asked you!" Blonde ugly said.

I could feel my anger rising with every passing second.

"Look, bitches, just leave Sasuke alone!" Nice one, Naruto.

"Like we would ever listen to a loser like you!" Both pink ugly and blonde ugly said in unison. 

"I don't care what you two say, I've heard every name in the book. So just leave MY best friend alone!"

"Oh, yeah. Well, we don't have to if we don't want to!"

"Sakura's right! If we want to talk to Sasuke-kun we can!"

"Look, I'm going to say something I've been wanting to say for a looong time. I have a better chance with Sasuke then you ugly hogs!"

"Now that's a lie."

"How could You have a better chance with Sasuke. Don't make me laugh!" -Hahahahahahaha- 

"ENOUGH!" I screamed at the top of my lugs. I was getting soo sick and tired of this shit. Ino and Sakura had only a little fear in their eyes. I was hoping to scare them more. But what I didn't expect or want, was Naruto having total fear in his eyes.

"Look, pink ugly and blonde ugly, Naruto's right, he would have a TEN times better chance then you two! In fact he's the ONLY one with a chance! At least he's fun to be around! I want you two to leave me alone, for good! And don't EVER talk to Naruto EVER again!" And with that, they left running away, crying. Not that I gave a shit at all. I walked over to Naruto and sat next to him.

"Are you okay?"


"I'm sorry that I scared you."

"It's okay..."

I started patting Naruto's head. After a while I pulled Naruto in a hug. He nuzzled his face in my chest. 'He's just soo damn kawaii!'

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