Soft girl meet metalhead ( Tarzan and jane )

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I always had a thing for them being a thing.
They known each other longer than i could keep up with their 'relation'.

But it was this one time, that was the day i officially shipped them. So what had happened is what i'm going to tell you.

I got invited to a after party by my best friend. All i know in that second was that i will meet her and other friends of my.

(found out it was a get to know and after surprise party at the same time where i was)

I come there, and when then i see a tons of people.
I don't go out often. if i do, it just me and my best friend or a small group.

Just a quick fact bout me : I'm a 'popular loner'
I know and talk to lot of people, but mostly i stay home. Doing my own thing. Just enjoying my own company, or and being with my family.

But back to fantasizing about the shipping between Tarzan and Jane (yes, their nickname)
because i don't have love life so i live thru theirs thingy. Amen.

As time goes i see Jane has arrived, and i already seen Tarzan. So Both are at the get to know people party. I didn't care that much, but i did kept an eye on them. They didn't do so much more then taking, Jane got thrown down by Tarzan on the sand (bet she got sand inside her clothing she was wearing)

The metalhead (Trazan) has a friend group. I call them metalheads. They all have long hair, they like rock. Basically.

Jane is one of them ( Maybe not, but she has long hair so valid) she talks to the metalheads sort off daily because she is friends with the metalheads and Tarzan, ofc.

But yea, she talks to the metalheads at the party.

I just sat there at the party, and just helping people to find other people. Nothing special.
But as i was about to say i sat there and stare at nothing.

then i see Jane and Tarzan walk away from the group. At this point i was frizzing so i wanted to be lil warmer so i stand up and bout to walk past them. I turn around and they are HOOKING UP, I'M SPEECHLESS,  I TRY TO KEEP CALM. but yes, I was fun to watch.
They did hook up more than one time.

After they were done, I got to talk to Jane and she was like " I- Tarzan.. we, how do i say this.."  I knew what she was about to say, but i wanted her to say it herself because in case i didn't just hallucinated what had happened.

I got the the sentence " I hooked up with Tarzan.." i bursted out " I KNOW, I SAW"
Jane was like " huh? Wha-"

keep in mind, they were hooking up in an open era where everyone could see. I was dark, but not enough.  But yet again, I bursted out again ' IS AN OPEN ERA' * pointed where they were standing * then we laughed together, but then she said " I have been drinking and smoking, and Tarzan hadn't even been doing that so.." she gave me the look like *you know what i'm thinking*


Short telling, we both screamed.
I screamed higher because i was more into it, for her it was just a hook up. I would like to think otherwise.

But days, weeks go by. I still keep an eye on them obviously, I ship them more now.
I walk past Jane and giggle (loud) because she knows what i'm thinking. Tarzan doesn't know, but i bet he noticed how i reacts when I walk past them sitting or talking together. Like i said i giggle loud, making it obvious it's something going on.

I does this every time i see them. Yes, I'm annoying. It's fun.

More days go by and Jane says that Tarzan, and those other metalheads is about to have a concert at the school.
Am waiting on my friend so i said " nah, idk"
After my friend has come and the concert is already started,  I said to my friend that they are having a rock concert (we both like rock) so we go in there and they screaming (full on metal band concert) , the lead singer is Tarzan and another. Tarzan has no shirt on, splatted in blood. The other one also has blood on his face.

It was cool, I never been to a rock concerts.
(I been to Ariana Grande concert with my friend)
It was nice. I was about to head bang, but then my friend couldn't see so we got out.

And two days later i got too talk to Jane bout the concert. I teased her obviously about Tarzan splatted in blood. She got red, and she thought it was hot.

I saw what she was thinking but i was mostly into the music they preformed as a metal band ,tbh.

Then me and my friend that was there also started to talk about the tea that was going on between those two (Tarzan and Jane)
I got my friend into too, so we basically manifesting what is going to happened next. Jane talked about what a softie Tarzan can be sometimes because if you know a metalhead some of them are not afraid to say what's on their and their opinions. They seem scary also, I say this because Jane said that Tarzan told "how to break a neck, instant death ". But Jane is into bad boys so, I also guess it's a turn on.

But I know for a fact he has a soft spot for her. I bet he is one of those who tickles just to touch her. Picture his love leagues is touching.

Other than that
I'm jokingly saying " skip to the next episode, I want the spice" because it do be a series at this point.

And yes, the nickname for the guy is Tarzan because they are actually twins. really do be a  look alike. Same hair and everything on the cover.

Same with the girl (Jane) same hair color and not so much style (obviously), but a sort girl. She is very cute, I bet all the guys secretly want her,  i even do that. I bet all girls do that too tho.

Is no more to that, that is happening between them. They just talk and sit together. I walk past by them and annoy the shit out of Jane (with all love)

I think he has a crush on her, maybe more. Hope 'involve' will be more a recognizable word. I will someday find out sooner or later.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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