Chapter 11

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  (Still in Niall's P.O.V.)

  Man she has the body of a goddess. She swiftly flung her shirt on the chair next to her and then wiggled out of her pants flinging them on the chair to. Which left her in her lace, black bra and panties. She walked to the edge of the pool and jumped in. When she came back up she looked over at me with a smile on her face. 

  "Are you going to come in or are you just going to stand there staring at me like an idiot?" When she said that I snapped out  of my thought and walked over to wear she put her clothes and sat down.

 "I think I'll just stare like an idiot." I smirked and she just started to laugh. She went under and started to swim around like a fish. Just being around her makes me smile. I searched the water for her and couldn't find her. I quickly walked to the edge of the pool and looked for her very worried. When I got the edge of the pool she started to slash me. At first I tried to block the water then I realized it wasn't even worth it to try. 

  "Ugg come on!! This is my favorite shirt!!" I yelled. She just laughed like an idiot.

 "And this is my favorite bra and you don't see me complaining!" She yelled back through her laugh. Reluctantly I pulled off my green free hugs shirt  and through it on the chair behind me. Ha now she is starting at me. 

 "Enjoying the view?" I asked her and her cheeks turned cherry red. I kicked my shes off and then stripped down, so I was only left standing in my red and blue plaid boxers. I walked to the edge of the pool. "CANNONBALL!!" I screamed and then jumped a couple feet from Kayleigh.

  When I came back up, she stood in the same spot frozen. Water dripped from the tips of he hair and it was all over her face from my cannonball. I started too laugh and she opened her eyes and looked mad at first but eventually started laughing with me. Oh how I love her laugh. It's so unique and funny. I changes every time she takes a breathe. Just trust me its hilarious.

  "Ha I knew I could get you into the water." She screamed. 

 "I guess you did." I trudged through the water over to her. Right when I got over to her she went under and swam away. When she came back up I gave her a confusing look. "Why did you swim away?"

 "If you want me you have to catch me first." I smirked and started to swim towards her. When I thought I was near her I came up and looked around and noticed she was on the other side of the pool.

 "This is going to be more difficult then I thought." She laughed. I started to swim in the direction she was in. It was useless because when ever  I think i'm near her she ends up being on the other side of the pool. 

 After about 5 mintues of me trying to catch I came up from the water once again looking for her. This time she was gathering both of our clothes."What you doing?"  I asked confused.

 "Taking our clothes." With that she started to walk toward the door with a towel wrapped around her.

 "Were you going, and can I have my clothes?" I asked as I stepped out of the pool.

 "If you want them you have to catch me." She darted out of the door because I even had a chance to respond. Shit. I'm only in my boxer and there are no towels great. I darted out the door after her. She was no wear in sight but I knew she was heading to the room. She might be faster then me in water but I'm faster then her on land. I ran to the lift and kept hitting the button but the doors wouldn't open, so the next best thing the stairs. When I got to my floor I saw the door close which meant Kayleigh probably just got in there.

Kayleigh's P.O.V.

 I banged on Niall and the guy's door. Finally after a coupled second someone opened the door. I darted in the room and turned around seeing a startled Harry. He shut the door and looked at me shocked. I was out of breath. The next thing I knew Niall was banging on the door. Harry went to open it.

 "Wait!" I screamed and he looked at me before he answered the door. "Where is Niall's room?" I asked.

 "Um the hall way the last door.Why?" I didn't bother answering, instead I ran through the hallway still in my bra and panties with a towel around me and clothes in my hand. I barged through the door and carefully shut it and locked it behind me and fell to the floor out of breathe. I though our clothes on the floor next to me and then started to listen through the door and I heard Niall and Harry talking.

 "Where is she?!" Niall screamed. I could't tell if her was mad or if he said it in a playful tone.

 "Um why? Seriously what is going on?!" Harry yelled clearly confused.

 "Well she has my clothes, and I had to run though the hotel in my boxers."

 "Well that explains why you are in your boxers."

 "Yeah now where the  fuck is she?!" Naill screamed. Oh I hope he isn't mad.

 "Are you mad? I'm not telling you if you are mad." Niall said something but he said it quietly so I wouldn't hear. Grrr.

 "She is in your room." Shit why did he have to tell him. In less then a mintue Niall tried to open the door but I locked it.

  "Kayleigh open the door."

 "And what will happen if I don't?" I asked in a playful tone.

 "I probably shouldn't say it out loud." He said in a flirtatious tone.

 "Niall!!" I heard his angelic laugh from the other side of the door which made me smile like it does every time. I stood up and unlocked the door and opened it. With out warning he tackled me. I landed on the floor with him on top of me. Instead of getting off of me he decided he was just going to lay on me. He had his head on my shoulder and then he pressed his lips to my neck.


 "Yeeeesss?" He asked still giving me gentle kisses on my neck.

 "Can you get off I can hardly breathe." He seem reluctant at first but then somewhat rolled off of me.   Half of him was still on me. I pushed him off by sitting up but he pulled me back down. "Niall."

  "Just lay with me."

 "But we are on the floor." I just realized how clean his room is. His room was clean back in Mullingar to so I sort of expected it. It smelled like Armani Mania, the cologne he has always worn since we were 14 when I bought it for him when we were shopping with our parents because it smelled the best and then it also smells like a mixture of foods.

  Niall sat up and then I did the same. Before I could stand up like he was he bent down and picked me up bridal style. I looked at him and he looked me in the eyes. I don't know why but I just started laughing.

  "Your laugh is adorable!" He said laughing with me. Walking over to the bed he through me on it then jumped and landed next to me. "I've missed you." He whishper in my ear pulling me close.

  "I have missed you too..." I said quietly. I seriously have missed him but I tried not to think about it as much as I could when he left. But it was hard because I was pregnant with our child and Ryan looks so much like him. He has both of our dark brown hair except Niall dyed his blond, Ryan has Niall piercing blue eyes and every time I looked in his I thought of Niall and how much I missed him. Everything about Ryan reminded me of Niall. I was just grateful when Ryan came I had Travis there to support me. Many people got Travis mistaken for the father which made me laugh every time someone asked Travis if Ryan was his.

  "Why are you crying?" Niall asked. I didn't even notice I was crying till he asked that. His thumb whipped my tears away.

  "I was just think." I said with a smile on my face. I'm happy I have him for a little while. I don't think we will stay together. I love being with Niall though but with him being in a huge band almost everyone knows about it seems like it's impossible. 


Hope you liked it. I had a snow day today so I had time to write. If anyone has any ideas for this story you can tell me if you want because I'm not really sure where I'm going with it. I also wrote another story before I knew about Wattpad so I might upload that one. 

Well Comment and Vote please.

  Love you little leperchauns ;) hehehe ~~ Kayleigh :D

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