Chapter 3

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*Kayleigh's P.O.V.

"Why are people so ignorant?" Sarah, my best friend shouted.

"I would love to know. Hey after our shifts are over want to come over?"

"Sure. I have nothing to do anyways."

Its Thursday, last day of work till Saturday thank goodness. Its 4pm when my shift and Sarah's ends. So we went to the back and put ouR stuff away. We walked back into the dining area, got a coffee, and started walking to my flat.

"So hows it going? We haven't hung out in over a week." I asked taking a sip of my coffee. Its April, but its sorta chilly out.

"Good. I broke up with Hunter."

"Oh how did he take it?" They only went out for like 2 months.

"Pretty bad I should have listened to you, Oh well over with now. How are you?"

"Um okay." I didn't make eye contact with her otherwise she would known something was up.

"Okay, whats wrong?" I guess she could tell anyways.

"Niall. Him and the band live in London now so im sure im going to see him and I know if I do i'll break and tell him everything. I'll tell him I love him." I almost started crying but I stayed strong.

"Kayleigh, he hurt you, left you and Ryan. He hasn't contacted you in over a year. You have a 3 month old you have to stay strong for him. I know you love Niall but try not to think about that right now." She said as we walked into my flat.

"Okay I will." With that we went to my room where Travis was with Ryan.

"He just woke up like 2 minutes ago." Travis handed him to me and left.

*Niall's P.O.V.

I've been in Mullingar for a week and 4 days. I go back to London on Saturday. Mullingar has been boring. I hung out with some old friends and my family. I visited Kayleigh's family they told me she was good. They acted very weird when I asked about her though.

Right now I'm just sitting in my tree house. I have so many good memories here. So many good memories that I shared with Kayleigh. Those are the only ones I can remember. There was one time when we came out here and just stared at the stars for a couple hours. This is the place I told her I loved her. The place I asked her out.

I just broke down right then and there. I can't stop crying. I just want her back. I wanna be able to tell her I love her, call her mine again but I can't. I'm so stupid. Why did I break up with her?

After about 4 hours past it was 10:30pm. I finally went back into the house. I skipped supper and I'm not hungry which is weird. I went into my room and took my clothes off and went to bed.


"Niall, wake up its Saturday the 4th, your gonna miss your flight back to London." My mum shouted and pulled the covers off of me.

I got dressed into some comfy clothes because I'm gonna be on a plane for an hour. Then I went and got breakfast. My mum went and packed my bags.

"I'm gonna miss you, and your bags are packed and by the door." My mum said walking into the kitchen.

"Thanks mum. By any chance do you know where Kayleigh lives in England?" she gave me a skeptical look.

"In Loughton in her brothers flat. Have you ever thought about calling her yet?"

"I'm scared to." I mumbled and kept eating, not looking at my mum.

"You need to talk to her."

"I know. I want to talk to her and that's why I am going to try and find her when I get to London." I finished eating and went into my room.

I grabbed my bags and said bye to my mum and brother and caught a cab to the airport. I boarded the plane with my carry on bag and found my seat and got comfy. Then got on twitter and started to listen to music.


"Please fasten your seat belts we will be landing in 5 minutes." The flight attendant said over the speaker.

I put all my stuff away and buckled. When we landed I grabbed my stuff and got off. I got my bag. The boys are suppose to be here to pick me up.

"NIALL!!" I know it was Louis. He was running strait at me. He pulled me into a hug and the the rest of the boys joined.

We said our hellos then Paul led us through the airport with a bunch of screaming fans and we got in the van and headed to our flat. I unpacked everything and the joined the boys in the living room.

"So lads what do you want to do?" Liam asked.

"I feel like Starbucks." I said.

"Lets go!" Louis shouted so we all piled into the van and started our journey to the nearest starbucks. Which just so happened to be in Loughton.

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