Chapter 2✨

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Faith POV

"Wait, who tf-.. is this my best friend? No fucking way!" Nia says to me as I enter the room dressed in her black sparkling dress she borrowed me.

"you look so good bestie"

"Nia I'm not sure, is it not too revealing" I say recognising the slit that starts from my upper thigh.

"Babe, it's fine, you look way too good..stop with the insecurity"

"Nia, it's just..."

"Shhh...I know, but stop being uptight...anybody would die for that banging body of yours and trust me..every guy in that club will be drooling once they see you."

"Mchtt.. whatever" I say laughing.

"So what shoes should I wear?"

"I think the white Stilletos"

"Bitch..Stilletos, no ways...I might fall, I don't know how to walk in them"

"Let's see, wear them"

I put the shoes on and before I proceed to walk, I fall hard on the floor.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH" Nia bursts out in laughter.

"Ain't shit funny, dumbass" I say mad.

"Chill no need to get all mad"

"Whatever, I'ma take the other shoes."


"All I ever asked was you to pick up the phone when you alone, all I ever asked was you to show me some love, kisses and hugs...."

Nia and I say along to the song loudly as she did my makeup.

"This song got me all in my feelings" Nia says to me.

"Same girl, same"

This song somehow reminded me of my ex-boyfriend Cartier and the dirty shit he did to me.
I don't even know anymore if love is still real out there. How someone can swear they love you and treat you like a queen then leave you hanging like some dirty rag.

But you know what, I'm not gonna let this ruin my evening, we getting lit at the club tonight. Periodt.

"Change this mf song, you want me to ruin my makeup" , I say to Nia laughing as she bursts out in laughter.

"It reminds you of him huh?"


"Girl you know who the fuck I'm talking about"

"No I don't, I don't remember shit from the past"

"Oh I see what you did there" Nia says as we both start laughing in unison.


We finally finish with everything ; dressing up, doing our makeup and cooking. I know I'm definitely going to be hungry when we get back.

Nia's phone starts ringing and she answers it.

"Babe, we coming, we just leaving the house right now. You sent the location? Okay cool. See you later love you."

"My girl is in love" I say to Nia.

"Nah I'm a city girl"

"Well that's what JT said too..but..." I say chuckling and laugh afterwards.

"Bitch, fuck you" she says.

"Whatever, let's go"


We get into Nia's car and she warms up the car before we leave and types in the location on her phone.

"Okay, ready to go" she says.

"So I'm really gonna be third wheeling" I ask her. I mean I don't know anybody there and clubs are not really my scenery and my plan was to stick with her but since her boyfriend will be there too...mmhhh.

" Faith, don't worry girl, I'ma hook you up with a guy, Mutt brought someone with him and that someone is the birthday boy so y'all will probably click.

"Mmhhhh" I sigh to myself.

"Okayyyyy" I say fake excited.


We make it to the club and there is this long line.

" Nice" , I mutter to myself.

"Chill bebe", Mutt said I should call him when we get to the club so we can easily get through without standing in the line.

"Phewww, okay" I was not about to stand in that line for real.

We get out of the car and stand near the entrance as we wait for Mutt. He finally comes and the guards open the way for us.

"So you're thee Faith, Nia keeps telling me about"


"She always talking about you" he says.

"Good things only I hope"

He chuckles.

"Nah don't worry, only the good"

We all laugh in unison.

We make our way to this nice VIP section and Mutt shows us where to sit.

I sit next to this fine looking man. Dark skinned, looks like his tall even while seated and gosh his facial features. His pink lips..mmhhh, I think to myself as Iook at this man's facial features. Goddd.

"Hey" he says to me with his hand stretched out.

Fuck. His voice.

"H-hey" I stutter like a dumb bitch.

" You good?"  he says to me

"Yeah I'm good, you? "

"I'm good"

He leaves me with a smile as he continues talking to some people which I think are his friends.

So this is the friend Nia was talking about...okayyy"
Eww, I think to myself..why am I drooling over a guy.
Faith, get it together. You're here to have fun. I go to the restroom to go pee since I'm pressed. I finish and then go to the mirror to wash my hands and in the process I check if my hair and makeup is still fine. "Great", as I am about to leave I bump into someone. NIA.

"Bitch why would you leave me all alone" I say to her.

"I'm tryna give you and Mutt's friend sometime together"

"Bitch loosen up" she says to me.

"Ughhh" I say to her. She's right, I mean we're here to have fun.


Hope y'all are enjoying the book so far. Please don't forget to vote😩❤️.

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