Chapter 7✨

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King POV

"Nigga where the fuck is my shit" I say to this mf who stole two bags of my cocaine.

"Boss I don't know, I swear"

"Shut the fuck up"

"I'ma give you ten seconds and you are gonna tell me where you put my shit at"

"Ten, nine,-"

"Boss I don't know..." He says stuttering like a bitch.

"eight, seven,-"

"Okay, okay...the Snakes took it.

"Fuckkkkkkk" I shout.

"These niggas getting on my nerves, Fr"

I lose it and shoot this mf right between his eyes.

"Clean this shit" I say to my workers as I spit out on the dead body.

I take off the bloody clothes on me and burn them.

I put on some fresh clothes in my office and leave the office making my way into my car to go home.

When I get home, I first get in the shower. As I'm in the shower my mind runs off to Faith. Flip. I forgot to call her. As I think about her and all the things I would do and I want to hear my name fall from her sexy lips. I look down to my dick and I'm hard as fuck.

I stroke it for the next couple of minutes and get to my peak.

"Ahhhh... mmmhh.. Fuckk". I moan and groan as I cum.


I get out of the shower and into my room as I put on some lotion and deodarant. Afterwards I decide to facetime Faith.

She finally answers and the phone is faced up showing the ceiling. Why do girls love doing this?

"Come on mamas, show your face"

"Damn why you call me so unexpectedly"

"Sorry man" I chuckle lightly.

" Okay it's cool"

"You busy on Tuesday"

"Uhm.... I don't have any classes next week so I'll be free that whole week"

"Okay..I want you to pack your clothes.. I wanna take you somewhere nice"

"Ouuuu...where" she says all excited

"'s a surprise"

"Just tell me" she whines.

"No, then it won't be a surprise anymore I smile"

"Ugh okay I'll pack"

"Good, see you Tuesday"

"Okay byeee" she says


She drops the call.


It is a Tuesday and I'm hyped. I really can't wait to see Faith. Something about her man, that gets me all hype and excited. Ain't never felt like this with any girl.

I call her.

"You ready"

"Yeah I'm done, just waiting for you."

" Okay I'm coming"


She drops the call.

I make it to her apartment and text her letting her know I'm outside.

She comes out with two suitcases and a handbag.

I get her to help her out the luggage in the back.

"Damn what's in here, I say picking the luggage up and putting it in the boot.

"There's nothing heavy in there you're so dramatic chill" she says to me while rolling her eyes.

"Out here packing some heavy ass rocks"

After putting the luggage in the back I open the door for her to get in . I get in the car and start driving.

"So where we going..."

"You'll see" I say.

"Ugh you and your endless surprises"


We finally make it to one of my lodges.

" Wow this is so beautiful, you mean to tell me you own all of this"

"All of it baby"

We make our into the reception and get keys and our bags get delivered to us.

"The suite is so beautiful" she says looking around and exploring it. It makes me happy when she's happy.

"Faith, should I order some food"

"Yes, I'm dying of hunger."

The food finally arrives and we eat. We finish eating and she ends up going to take a shower.

"I'm going to shower"


She takes her time in the bathroom for about 20 minutes and ends up opening the door and sticks her head out.

"King, I forgot to take my clothes out.."

"And so..."

"Please get me something from my want me walking around naked?" She says laughing.

I wouldn't mind.

"Okay, I'll just give you one of my shirts"

I get her one of my shirts and she closes the door. She comes out of the bathroom dressed in my shirt that looks oversized on her. Her nipples showing through the thin material.

"Why you looking at me like that?"

"Like what" I say acting confused

"Mchtt..bro get out of here"

I burst out in laughter.

"Come on.." I signal with my index finger for her to come onto the bed.

"Let's watch Netflix" I say to her.

She gets into the bed and puts her head on my chest and I put my hand on her ass.

We watch a few episodes of Dynasty and she ends up falling asleep.

"Faith.." I say, looking down at her to check if she's awake and she doesn't respond.
I kiss her forehead and my eyes start to become heavy and I end up falling asleep.

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