Chapter 4✨

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Faith POV

I can't believe I'm at this nigga's house. I don't even know him like that.

I find myself looking around the house amused at how beautiful and clean the house is. I mean some of these niggas dirty as fuck.

"I could give you a house tour" He says behind me.

I turn around.

"Sure" I say awkwardly.

"You look high" I say as I look into his eyes which are low and coloured red.

"I'm not, why do you say so?" He says while biting his lip. Damn.

"Your eyes..they look red and low, don't you wanna sleep"

"I could show you around the house first then we could go to sleep"


"Chill, you can sleep in the guest bedroom" he chuckles.

"Oh okay..."

"Come on let me show you around"

He gives me a lil tour guide around his house, and can I just say, this house is so big. Why does he live alone in such a big house with many guards weird. His probably in the mafia, or a gang or maybe his a drug dealer. My mind races as all thoughts of things run through my head.

"So what do you do for a living?" I ask boldly.

"I'm an architect, built this house from scratch by the way"

"Mmhhh nice"

"How old are you" he catches me off guard with that question.

I wonder what his reaction will be if he finds out I'm only 19. Should I lie and tell him I'm 25? Fuck it.

"I'm 19" I say to him.

"Woahh, you young as hell" he says backing up a bit.

"Boy..." I say to him and he starts laughing.

"How old did you think I was?"

"I don't know but i definitely didn't think you're 19"

"Is it a problem for you" I say.

Eww, I sound desperate as fuck.

"No, age ain't nothing but a number" he says as he steps closer to me with a cocky smile on his face"


"Uhm..I think I should shower, I'm feeling musty and shit."

He laughs.

"Musty and shit?"

"Yeah, I smell like the club, lol"

"Aight lemme lead you to the room"

We climb on the glass stairs and I follow behind him.

He leads me into this spacious beautiful room. My room is not even half of this room. It has an en-suite too. Nice.

He shows me the bathroom.

"The towels are here, the toothbrush, soap.. everything is here"

"Okay thanks"

"No prob, mamas"

I rip out of my clothes and get into the nice hot shower.


After a whole twenty minutes of showering and having my own lil concert I get out. I brush my teeth and wash my face.

As I leave the bathroom and close the door, I realise I have no clothes to wear for the night.

"Great" I mutter under my breath.

I get out the room wrapping the towel on my body, proceeding to look for King's bedroom. I forgot where his room his.. I mean this is house is way too big, damn.

I see marble glass doors and I knock on them.

"Come on in"

I see him propped up in his bed watching Netflix.

"Uhm..I kinda have a problem"

"Could you please lend me some clothes for the night"

He first looks me up and down, biting on his bottom lip as he analyses my body which makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Aight, no prob" he says standing up from his bed to his chest of drawers.

He gets up and gives me some boxers and a huge ass shirt.

"Thanks" And as I am about to leave he speaks.

"Don't you wanna watch Netflix with me"


"Come on now" he says looking at me.

"Okayy, I'm coming"

"Aight, I'll be waiting here.." he says while cupping his dick.

Mmmhh...oh Goddd.

I finish dressing and I go back to his room.

"Comee" he says eagerly.

"Okayyy" I get comfortable in his bed and we start watching.

"So you watch Money Heist too?" I say as I look at him.

" Yes, you watch it too?"

"Yeah, I love it..I finished it..just waiting for Part 5"

"Me too.. patiently waiting..I'm tired of watching it all over again."

We laugh in unison and we fall into a comfortable silence.

Time passes by and somehow his passed out on my titties and his large arms are wrapped around my waist. I don't even know how this happened  but I mean I ain't complaining.

My eyes start to become heavy and I end up falling  into a heavy sleep after the long night i've had.

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