c h a p t e r _ t h r e e : little shits

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Finally leaving that awkward situation Andre and Kristy cornered Y/n to a more secluded part of the school as they eyed her up and down, "It's not what you think-" Then again she was cut off by both of them screeching like banshees.

"BESTAY ARE YOU OK?! ARE YOU BREATHING FINE AFTER THAT MOMENT?!?" She shook her shoulders violently as Andre added background noises, "Y/n tell me you haven't fallen for him!" Huffing in annoyance, composing herself before speaking, shushing both of her friends.

"It's not what you all think it is!"

"It was an accident I swear!"She shouted in clear distress as she was defending her side.

"How?" Andre sassed, crossing his arms as his piercing gray eyes bore into her E/C orbs.

"Why?" Wailed Kristy who is currently on her knees bawling, "Can we just forget about earlier?" Y/n pleaded the both of them as Andre and Kristy looked at each other quietly as if they were speaking telepathically.

They opened their mouths simultaneously only to be shut back close by the bell leaving y/n Curious to what they were supposed to say.

Smirking at her as they both whispered,"Later." then walking away backwards their attention is still on the H/C female who stared blankly at them before turning the other direction to her afternoon class,waving her hands at them before continuing to walk further away.

Arriving at the almost crowded classroom and settled to her seat,feeling herself getting nervous suddenly because of the absence of her friends,tapping her fingers on the desk as her gaze fixated on the window one chair away from her.

and during her little daze a figure sat on the chair catching y/n off guard,snapping out of her dream like state softly glaring at the person,Only to recognize those captivating gold eyes from earlier,Gulping nervously as she faced in front making sure not to look on her side.

Tension started to build in and its making the female giddy in her seat, fiddling on the hem of her skirt, as her E/C eyes wanders not noticing as how her seat mate was stealing glances at her.

{ Moments Later..... }

"Do your work quietly." the teacher demanded as sat down to his desk, to check some papers, leaving the students do an activity.

Sighing to herself praying that this time will end faster, picking up her pencil as she started to sketch out a base for her drawing, But of course no body is perfect, She made a mistake, Y/n glared at the paper as if its fault.

Clearing her throat softly making sure not to 'attract' any unwanted attention as she searched an eraser on her pencil pouch only to notice she must've have lost it....(countless times)

Nibbling on her bottom lip as she let her eyes wander, to find someone that has an eraser, sighing inaudibly.

Turning to her side, making her face lit up in delight finding an eraser but it's used by the beige haired male, gulping nervously as she leaned closer and tapped his shoulders lightly.

Shifting his attention to the female who's grinning sheepishly, raising his brow at her, "Hey can i borrow your eraser for a sec?" Y/n stuttered as she spoke to him, finding the male quiet intimidating, "That's all?" He pondered at her.

she nodded in response, Hugo gave  the maiden the eraser as she quickly fixed the mistake she made before returning it, before muttering 'thanks' to the male.

As the males lip curved into a small smirk as his eyes analyzed the female who's too concentrated, before turning back to his work.

The last bell rang.

Weird as it may sound the loud noise brought relief and pleasure to the H/C maidens ear knowing the day has come to an end where she can finally rest in the comfort of her home.

Fixing her rogue hair strands as she stood in the hallway where the classroom of her friends were located as she waited in anticipation for their departure from their class.

And on que the door opened and a hoard of students came running outside with some tired expressions and happy ones for others.

Upon seeing her friends tiredly walk out,Y/n called out for them instantly diverting their attention to the waving female.

As the ruckus continued on outside behind a room where there occupied four males, That the other seems to uninterested in. In the little meeting that the twins held.

Being meters apart from each other as they stayed silent, Feeling the quiet room slowly suffocate them.

"Are we just gonna stare at each other?" Hugo spoke, looking up from the book he was reading as he grip on it tightly, Biting his cheek from sputtering up colorful words, as he eyed the suspicious individual surrounding him, constantly looking out for any blind spots to catch a camera or two.

That in other words record the whole endeavor and can be used as a black mail in the future and that will possibly ruin his entire family name. Perhaps Hugo was overthinking but it was better to be safe than sorry.

Chuckling softly, Marshals velvet voice loomed their ears, making the twins perk in adrenaline knowing their attention was fixated on them entirely.

"You must be wondering why we called you here-"

"Hurry up i have matters to do" The beige haired male snapped making sure to keep his tone down not wanting to seem condescending.

"Cut the chase what is it?" Marshal inserted hearing the impatient laced in his tone.

Theo clasped his hands together as he burst out laughing, "Impatient i see?" he taunted completely amused somehow by the energy of the males in the room, velvet haired male smirked at them before speaking.


Wanna Play A Game?

The other two males glanced at each other completely confused and intrigued.Before turning back to the pink eyes twins raising a brow.

- To Be Continued

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