c h a p t e r_s i x t e e n: officially hopeless

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After the whole lunch incident mayhem, word got out to the whole school, being the topic of most students in the hallways.

Y/n walked through the halls to where her locker was located, unlocked it, noticed a paper falling, picked it up, and read the contents of the piece of paper.

'You're out of my reach and yet I stand close to you but I was nothing more, I've always wondered what Andre is feeling for having the privilege of being loved by you.

Y/n if I were to act like him would you love me too?

It hurts to think I'll have no chance of changing your feelings from him to me, but that won't stop me from loving you.'

- Your secret admirer.

Y/n stared at the letter feeling bad for the person as they felt that, but also quite surprised they caught up to her longing towards Andre.

She sighed placing the letter in her pockets not really paying much attention to it as she was supposed to be, her sight landed on a foreign box that was placed on the very back of the locker.

She confused reached out for it.

As she opened the box, her eyes widened in horror, as the female stood frozen in her place ,inside the box numerous pictures of her were there, and what made her shocked was the fact one picture was her sleeping in her bedroom.

"Are you sure this isn't staged?" Andre stared at the picture, then looking back at Y/n and at Kristy with a skeptical look but the H/c maidens actions did differ it, "Y/n, hello are you ok?" She tapped her shoulders, "yeah. "she replied," About the picture, who would do such a thing? "Kristy asked as she held the H/c maidens hand.

"I don't know, maybe some sicko." Y/n mumbled.

"I'm scared. "she blurted out her two companions hugged her form, before assuring the female everything will be alright, "Hey guys I have to go, I have to be home early."

"I'm sorry Y/n." Kristy said standing up leaving the two alone.

Andre wrapped his arms around her shoulders as the female leaned her head to his shoulders, "Y/n." the male called her, she hummed in response, "I wanna tell you something."

"What is it?" He looked at her, hesitating whether to tell her or not, "Between you and me, I think there's something going on with your other friends." He said in a quiet tone, "hmm, really?"

"I mean think about it, Marshal knowing your address, the twins being a little too clingy and Hugo the suppose to be calm one fought with that guy just to sit on the table, considering the fact he use to eat somewhere that isn't the cafeteria. "He finished as he looked at Y/n, "Yeah..." she replied thinking back of the things he just mentioned.

"Shall I walk you home?" Andre said as he stood up," That won't be necessary." A masculine voice responded for him, Marshal came in view as the female tensed upon seeing him.

"Well come one now." Marshal pulled Y/n from where she was sitting tugging on her wrist, planting her feet as she stopped walking, "Stop it Marshal."

He stopped and faced her, "Is there a problem?"

"Yes there is, you can't just start pulling me randomly like I'm some type of rag doll." He stalked closer to her form, still his silver eyes watching her like prey, "Why not? ,isn't that your sole purpose, to why you kept hanging out with those boys."

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