c h a p t e r_t e n: odd

752 39 7

Sluggishly getting off the bus, Y/n picked up her pace to catch up to her companion's long strides as she tried to keep her posture composed, "Wait!" She shouted seeing as her friend was a long way ahead of her, "Hurry!" groaning mentally as she jogged up to them.

"Are you ok?" Andre placed a hand on her shoulder, which irritated the girl, "Get your hands off me please." muttered lowly as her eyes maintained contact with his gray ones, flustered by the simple gesture he looked away, pouting softly as he wasn't allowed to touch her hand, at least.

"What's up with you?" Kristy chuckled as she pulled the female into a side hug, "Nothing but somehow, I have little to no energy to deal with some stuff." She rubbed the back of her neck, sighing and smiling tiredly at her friends, "Sorry." 

Supporting her head in her palms as her half-lidded eyes stared at the gym teacher, feeling the stares thrown her way she looked around and saw the twins looking at her form from across the bleachers, waving at them before turning her attention back to listen to her teacher.

As she started to doze off, the teacher finished speaking, clapping his hands to the energetic students as they cheered in anticipation, "Ok get into two teams.", suddenly snapping off her daze, "What?!"

And now here we present two teams, as they faced each other on opposite sides of the court, "Hey Y/n!, I'm going win this!"

"Cheer for me ok?!" Marshal shouted at her as she sweat dropped upon seeing him so happy to see her, despite the fact he's standing behind her, "Ok you kids know the rules of dodgeball, READY SET START!" They blew the whistle, as the battle cries of both teams echoed throughout the gym.

The first teams started to throw balls at the team second, which the female was currently on, trying her best to dodge the ball thrown her way, as her other teammates slowly exited the activity after getting eliminated by the hollow sphere object.

Leaving Y/n 'I somehow survived this far. '  she thought amusingly, as the students left her with the twins, Marshal and four more students, after first team's turn, they were handed a ball, feeling her teammate's aura darkened as they smirked wickedly. 

Gripping on the ball in her hands as she waited for the teacher to blow the whistle.

Not long after the game started once more, hoisting the ball in air randomly with no specific direction, which led to a catastrophe such as hitting someone's head.

The loud bang from the impact of the thick ball silenced the whole room, as no one dared to speak or utter a word, gulping the knot forming on her throat as she slowly approached the figure lying on the floor, to her horror seeing Hugo with a bruise on his forehead, "Holy shit, I'm so sorry!" Y/n scurried to his side helping him stand and compose himself.

"I'm sorry-" She was stopped from speaking further when he placed a finger on her mouth, "Stop apologizing. "he said firmly as his eyes glared to the students gossiping, and out of the blue, An obnoxious laughter erupted in the vicinity making the other students stifle their laughter, needless to say they all started to laugh at Hugo.

As he looked down feeling embarrassed.

Y/n stood there awkwardly as she rubbed the males back, he paid no attention to her way of comfort as his anger was directed into the specific individual.

Standing up as he marched towards him, the students willingly made way for Hugo knowing it will cause a fight at some sorts, stopping in front of the person who laughed first ,the person's silver eyes however looked at him with entertainment.

Without a second thought ,Hugo punched Marshal on the jaw sending the him on the floor clutching his aching jaw, yet the infuriated Hugo hasn't stop as he continued to kick the male in the ribs, hearing him cry in agony as his eyes watered from the excruciating pain.

The students surrounding them only watched the scene unfold and as for the others who were quick to whip out their phone, Y/n along with Kristy stared at his violent behavior, shocked. Not expecting him to be so aggressive when dealing such situations.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS THE TEACHER?!" Andre shouted as he 'tried' prying Hugo off Marshal, instead he was jabbed in the chest by him, once Marshal was now being assisted by the other students and the teacher whom thankfully got there in time.

Hugo was now getting pried off by the blonde male, who tried to help him, glaring at him once more as he followed everyone out of the gym, "Y/n Kristy c'mon." Kristy scurried away pulling the maiden's wrist along, standing firm on her feet as she looked at her companions with hesitation in her eyes. "Y/n no." Andre warned as she looked back at his form.

Hugo felt adrenaline seeping through him as he was letting all his anger out at a person, his hands started to tremble as he started to laugh beastly, feeling hot and salty tears stream down his eyes.

He feels 'pathetic' once again, looking up at the entrance of the gym seeing Y/n look at him as if she was 'sympathizing?' him, waiting for her to approach him, 'She wouldn't leave me all alone would she?!?!' Convincing himself as the doubt at the back of his mind was eating him alive.

Alas seconds that felt like an eternity, she was seized on the wrist as she was forcefully by her friends, Leaving a heart wrenching ache in his chest as he watched her leave his sight.

It was all because of Andre and Kristy.

- To Be Continued

Hi guys it's me again!
I just want to say thank you all for 3k reads and for the votes this book has been receiving, to be quiet frankly I didn't think this book would make it this far.

But of course it wouldn't be possible if it weren't for you ^^

Please stay safe always, and always keep yourself healthy specially the pandemic still wont leave us alone.

This is it for the authors note.
Thank you guys once again for your support!
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