Chaeya Fluff Pt. 1

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Hihi! Thanks for 25 viewers, Im ranked 530 on "ongoing" tag out of 7.95k people! Tysm! 💕💕

Anyways I decided to do more, since I've got 25 viewers in a sudden, tysm! Enjoy the story now, xx- RainRei

Note : I take at least a week for these stories, thanks for supporting them

Au(spoilers sorry!): Signora is still alive, Venti doesn't appear much anymore(yet).



"So boring...When can I go out to Liyue for once.."

Childe's mind in Snezhnaya was screaming "get me out of here".

"Childe, are you really that bored.."
Dottore asked while he pops out of literally nowhere.

"Yes, can I go to Liyue yet."
Childe asked

"You can, if the tsaritsa allows you."

"I know that stupid masked gu—"

Signora walks up to the both of them.

"Childe...your allowed to leave."
Signora faces to Tartaglia.

"Guess I'm off, bye masked guy!"
Childe goes to Liyue.

Dottore exclaims

Kaeya was walking near Liyue, he found a bunch of glaze lilies and starts getting attracted to it.

"Woah... So prettttyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
Kaeya exclaims as he sits down, watching Liyue's River.

"Ow... It still hurts!"

Kaeya hurt his own knee, it won't stop bleeding. Yet he managed to walk near water and some Glaze Lilies.

"Kaeya? Are you okay?"
A familiar voice nearby

"Kaeya...your bleeding much, here. I'll help."
Childe wraps up his knee with a cloth he had for extra, and took some water  to wash off the blood.

"ow- it hurts"
Kaeya exclaims

"Hold on a bit Kaeya..."
Childe starts putting some cream on it. And starts wrapping it up.

"There we go."
Childe kisses his forhead.

"Aww just one?"
Kaeya said with a puppy face.

"Ill carry you, is that better?"


Kaeya clearly was in pain, since the knee sure was bleeding a lot. Like, A LOT. Childe made sure he didn't hurt Kaeya while wrapping up his knee. Kaeya starts whining in pain, showing that he hurt his knee really bad...

"Kaeya? Are you okay, you look hurt..."
Childe asks

"It hurts badly..."
Kaeya replies, with a sad face.

"Aww, poor you. I have this" thing " here from sucrose. Sucrose said that this can heal people, the pain wouldn't be that bad anymore. It costed me just a couple of 20k mora. Would you like to—"

"A 20k mora thing from sucrose?!?! How rich are you..."

"Aha, im just gonna use some on you, maybe you won't feel much pain anymore."

Childe slowly drops the "thing" on Kaeya's leg. It did hurt a bit but it went all fine after that.

"Im feeling better now.."
Kaeya said, as the sun was setting.

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