~Chapter 2~

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~Abbie POV~

I walked out of the interview room, and ran up to my room.

Why did I think that people like Shoey might want someone like me? I decided that I would call my brother to try and get my mind off of the terrible interview.

I know what you're probably thinking, 'If she has a brother than why is she in an orphanage?' Well, my biological family couldn't really afford to take care of me, along with thir four other kids. So they gave me up for adoption when I was a baby. My birth name is Zoey Jesicca Franta. I was adopted when I was 6 months old, and my adoptive family changed my name to Abigail Caitlin Johnson.

Yes, thats right I am a Franta.

About 10 months ago there was an incident my adoptive grandparents who I had been living with at the time, passed away and no one else could afford to take me in. So, I ended up in the orphanage.

When I first got here, I realized that I was going to need to get a phone, and pay for it myself. The phone company wouldn't let me put the policy on my adoptive name. So, I did some reasearch and found out that I had been adopted. I also found out my birth name which I was able to use to get a cell phone.

It turns out that my brother had been trying to find me. So, about two months after I got the phone his private investigator, gave him my number. All that he really knows about me is that I go by the name Abbie, and that I am once again in an orphanage. He doesn't know where the orphanage is, becuase I refuse to tell him.

We have never met in person, aside from the day I was born, and the time I went to Play List, when I was 11. I know that the fact that I don't want to meet him, probably hurts him, but I just can't.

I mean he is Connor Franta, and I'm just some broken girl, what if I'm not what he expects.

I dialed his number.

C- Hey Abb.

A- Hey Con, what's up?

C- Not much, are you okay? You sound kind upset.

A- Yeah I'm fine.

C- Abbie I can tell that your lying.

A- It's nothing... It's just... I just had an interview with these two amazing people, and I think that I blew it...

C- Well if they don't want you than that's their loss, your a Franta for Gods sake that makes you already like 50x better than all those other girls...

A- Thanks Con

C- No prob

Loud Speaker- Abbie please pack your things you are being adopted.

C- I guess you didn't blow it after all.

A- OMG!! I'll call you later Con this is amazing!!


A- Wouldn't dream of it. I'll text you.

C- Kk bye girly.

I hung up, and started racing to pack all of my stuff. After I finished packing, I put my phone in my pocket, put on my locket, and grabbed my suite case and ran down the stairs.

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