~Chapter 3~

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~Abbie POV~

I ran down the stairs.

J- There she is

S- Are you ready? We already signed the papers.

A-Yup, I'm ready to go.

J-Okay there is one thing that you need to know before we go...

Shane and Joey explained that the reason that they had been in New Jersey was becuase they were part of Digi Tour (A/N I know that not many YouTubers go on Digi Tour especially the older YouTubers, but lets just pretend that they do.) and for the next month and a half we would be on a tour bus with other YouTubers touring the country.

A- Okay, that sounds really cool.

Please don't let Connor be there.

~Shane POV~

We led Abbie to the tour bus, she looked both excited and nervous, probably becuase she was going to be meeting a bunch f her favorite YouTubers and some of her fans. We walked onto the tour bus, and Abbie already looked like she was fangirling, becuase sitting on the couch was Tyler, Troye, Zoe, and Caspar.

Z- Hi I'm Zoe, and who might you be?A- I'm Abbie, and I know, I'm a big fan of all of you guys.

S- So are we ready to leave?

Ty-No, Connor and some of the others went to Starbucks, but they should be back soon.

A-Wait... Connor... as in Connor... Franta?

S-Yeah he's on tour with us, why?

A- I'm just a big fan... can someone maybe show me where I will be sleeping?

J-Yeah, follow me

~Abbie POV~

Joey showed me to my bunk and told me that I could try to get a little settled in. Once Joey left I sat on my bunk and started freaking out.

I don't want Connor to know who I am, that's going to be kind of hard, if we are living together on a tour bus for the next month and a half. Especailly becuase Connor likes to try and call me at least once a day.

Ring... Ring... Ring...

My phone went off, it was my bofriend Mikey.

A- Hey

Mi-Babe you are never going to believe what just happened, Digi Tour had a performer cancel on them, and they just called me asking me to go on the tour with them.

A-OMG, that's amazing... What did you tell them?

M-I said yes, but the thing is they want me to go to tonights stop here in Jersey, and then join them on the road.

A-That's great... So are the tour buses picking you up, or are you meeting them at the venue?

M-I'm meeting them there, but i want you to come tonight, you can meet a bunch of your favorite YouTubers, and some of your fan, please you would have so much fun.

A-I can't... I'm sorry... I'm busy all day...I'm sorry babe.

M-It's fine I get it, I guess I'll see you after the tour, I have to go pack. I love you.

A-I love you too.

I know that I probably should have told him, that I was already going to be there, but I sick at suprising Mikey and this is something that he would never expect.

I decided to go into the living room to try to get to know everyone.

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