𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝?

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Was it just a coincidence, or was he actually from the game. . The game? With now a look of confusion, it felt like someone was repeatedly fucking with my memories. Whenever I tried to recall something, it was just a hazy mess.

Haruki: "Onii-san.. Father said that you don't remember anything." Upon hearing the voice of a bratty kid, I'd sigh, peering down at him as he spoke to me. He'd look back at me, with puppy dog eyes that were on the verge of tears. Again. Do kids always cry this often?

Haruki: "I-Is that true?" His voice trembled while he tugged on the end of my white collared shirt. Depending on how I'd respond, it was clear he was going to cry. I really did not feel like dealing with this, and irrationally announced what was on my mind.

Yoshiyuki: "What does it matter?" An annoyed expression, his annoying high pitched voice irritated me greatly. I wasn't expecting a reply from the kid, just his weeps. As expected, the little kid started crying. His tears ran down from his cheeks as he stayed silent.

Yoshiyuki: "I'm just kidding. It's true, but I'll remember you soon little guy." An awkward chuckle with a pretentious smile on my face while I gazed down at the kid tenderly, comforting him to stop his endless tears. Placing a hand on the kid's head, I'd pat it lightly.

Haruki: "I-I hope you do, Onii-san." His stuttering voice was unable to form more words with an awkward expression, his silence revealing he felt uncomfortable after my 'joke.' My mood-improving just slightly after observing him hold one's tongue.

Yoshiyuki: "I do too. Now, can you get out of my room?" I tried asking in the kindest way possible, so It didn't look as if I was kicking him out. The little boy hesitated, soon simply nodding as he got up to leave. Waving as I observed him exit the room. I laid my back on the bed, looking up at the dusty ceiling.

Yoshiyuki: "I guess they didn't bother cleaning this room, huh.." I spoke to myself with a low voice, muttering whatever came to mind. Dust falling upon my face, I'd close my eyes gently to allow none to get onto my eyes. This exhausted figure of mine craving to rest. This whole situation was strange, and shouldn't I remember my family? Even if it was something small, but nothing came to mind. I couldn't even get a tinge of nostalgia when I was speaking to that kid, just a hint of 'fear' for some reason. . I looked over at my trembling hand which was lifted, just shaking my head in disbelief. It felt unbelievable how young I was for some reason. 'Hupp!' I'd lift my torso up which was laying on the bed, getting up off of the bed. I'd look around the bedroom, collecting any information I could find. The room was quite big and was furnished with high-quality furniture. I awkwardly scratched at my cheek while I stood in front of a window dresser, a perplexed look. Just how rich was this family? That they could even afford a private doctor? And then all these authentic jewels that were certainly not cheap.

Yoshiyuki: "Hm?" There was a picture frame that was covered with a cloth. I'd lift the white cloth with dust, revealing a picture of a little kid with a beautiful woman. The woman had red crimson hair that shined like a gemstone underneath the midnight hue, with dark blue eyes, resembling a murky ocean. She stood out, compared to all these other servants in the background. She was holding the hand of a little boy with ivory skin, brown caramel hair, and pretty pale violet eyes.

Yoshiyuki: "Could this be. ." I used my hand to wipe the mirror that was covered with dust to the point of appearing opaque, to see a little boy that only seemed a few years older compared to the little kid in the picture. The only difference was the large scar on my forehead that was shaped like a T. I'd caress the scar that stretched from my right ear to my left eye with my clean hand, no pain could be felt at all. Despite how it was clear that the boy and I were the same people, it was obvious why he seemed so unfamiliar-

                                                   ❝𝙄'𝙢 𝙄𝙣 𝙖 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚.

Memories soon came rushing in.. As it was all too sudden, and too big of a shock to consume, I'd begin to suddenly feel lightheaded. Anaemic, I felt. my body teetering while my hands tried grasping onto a surface, my vision blurred. A quick glance at the mirror, it was only for a moment, but I saw my slanted eyes gleam a brighter hue than usual. I'd trip on my own two feet attempting to keep my weak body conscious, everything presently turning blackened. When I had opened my eyes again, I was in an unfamiliar bedroo— No,, This was the same room. I... was still in this god awful video game. Groaning, I'd place my palm on my forehead, the headache I underwent prior to this morning now growing further painful. Trying to make an understanding of everything that just happened, I'd simply sigh, recalling all the events I just went through.

Yoshiyuki: "I.. DIED?" My voice rising more emphatic, I'd look over to the finely refined door to make sure no one was entering, the sound of my own quiet breathing to be the only thing heard. I was too stressed to deal with anyone as of now and needed this time for myself. Lowering my voice, I'd continue this conversation I was having with myself.

Yoshiyuki: "B-but... How? What? I was walking to the cafe, but then I got hit— And suddenly woke up here??" My frustration growing stronger, I'd scowl with a dull frown on my face as I questioned everything. It all seemed too unbelievable, and me being kidnapped was the only plausible answer I could think of as of now.

Yoshiyuki: "I died." I blurt out the first thought that came to mind, again, my mood turning all the more gloomy.

In the city of Japan, a certain game started to gain popularity after a few renowned figures promoted it. The game 'A Burdensome Love.' Labelled as a psychological visual novel that pulls at your heartstrings, the reviews.. Averaging only 2.5 stars.

It was obvious how hard the game was trying to be something new. Despite how terrible the game was, it reached its primary audience. 'Yandere' fans, otherwise known as people loving psychopaths who're lovesick. Even though I have to admit, the game was trash. But because of how absurd each yandere was, the game drew me in and I couldn't stop playing it. With a heavy sigh, I'd jump up off of the hardwood floor, stretching my body that was sore all over the place from being in a coma. Glancing over to the dark wood door that glistened like a gem, my eyes filled with a determined passion to solve this mystery. I needed more information before I confirmed my theory ere I lose hope. Sauntering over to the door, I'd hesitantly place my hand on the door handles, gradually opening the two large doors that were 2x my height. I had a fixed attitude that explicated my stubbornness, despite how nervous I felt at the time. 

I Reincarnated into a Yaoi Yandere Otome Game(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now