James Vs. Weevil

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Tea's POV

The sun rose high into the air as the ship as it draws closer to the Duelist Kingdom. "Me" and the others stand on the bow of the boat as we look at the island drawing near.

Joey: Man, this Duelist Kingdom looks like a pretty big place, James. "Finding your mom's soul is not gonna be easy."

James: Well, we have to start somewhere.

The boat pulls into a small harbor as it lowers its anchor keeping it "at" the bay. A small ramp lowers down as guards wait by it as all the duelists come to the side.

Joey: Whoa. Check out the suits.

P.A.: "Attention, all duelists. Please disembark in an orderly fashion."

Tristan: Hey, Tea, what if one of those security guys finds out we're both stowaways? "We oughta just play it safe and swim back."

Tea: We're in the middle of nowhere, lamebrain! If you can "just" try and act normal, we'll be okay.

The duelists start to get off the boat one by one as James "started" to walk down, then Joey, then Me, and then Tristan as he tried to stay calm.

Guard: Hey, you!

Tristan stops, and sweat drops in shock as James, Joey, and I look at him.

Guard: Don't look so nervous. You guys are our guests here.

Tristan: That's right! I'm your guest!

Tristan nods as he follows us. As we soon stop, Tristan hunches over and pants shakily. Tristan soon stands up straight as he looks at us and puts his hand on his chest.

Tristan: I think I just had a heart attack.

Tea: Way to play it cool, Tristan. That wasn't suspicious at all.

Joey: All right! Every single one of us made it here safe and sound.

James: Yeah, and now we need to figure out who we should duel first. But my snake eyes already have someone in my sight.

"I then turn around to see that it was Weevil who was looking at us with an evil smile." "I then see that Joey was looking at him in anger as he crossed his arms."

Joey: That slime ball. I'd love to wipe that smirk off his face.

"The duelists continue to talk amongst each other as Kemo walked forward and looked at all of us."

Kemo: Welcome, all duelists! Please, follow the stairs to meet your host.

Kemo turns to his side and raises his arm to show a long flight of stairs leading up to the castle. "As the duelists began to go up, "Me" and the rest of us stood still as we look at it."

James: I bet that castle belongs to Pegasus, and where he's keeping my mom's soul.

Joey: "Then what are we waiting for?"

We then started to begin going up the stairs with the other duelists towards the castle. "James and Joey look at the castle in determination." Tristan and I follow behind them as I look to the side to see someone standing in the forest. "And it looks like..." Bakura!?

Tea: Huh? What's that?

The others stop as they look at me.

James: What is it, Tea?

"I then point to where I saw Bakura in the forest as I looked at my friends."

Tea: "It looked like..." Bakura.

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