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Someone knocked on my door and I opened them. She said the breakfast is ready and everyone is gonna gather around the table to eat for 5 minutes. I went there after rushing my morning routine so I was just in time. There were a cleaning lady, and the members of the family where I was at. After the breakfast the boy and his father went somewhere with a car,while I was there sitting and a lady was bored so I started asking questions. She said they went to a job becayse it's family's business so he's still learning about it from his father. I thought that was sweet and good bonding. After some time I asked her about my mum and her relation and she shockingly responded "I thought she told you that long time ago,yes we are cousins." That didn't stop me from going furthermore so I asked how are they related. Then she standed up and said I should go hang out with locals, she has work to do. That kinda scared me but I followed her order. I called some of the girls in Reggio Calabria, since it's the closest big town to here. I went on a beach with a bus,where they were waiting for me. I was so excited. Sofia, Giada and Alice hugged me so tight that I couldn't breathe. After some time of talking and taking selfes we went to a bar even tho I said that's dangerous and I don't drink alcohol. They changed so much from last summer. Anyway,it's the end of June now so we still have plenty of time to go out this summer. Giada opened the door and we stepped into a bar full of older people. Everyone was staring at us. They yelled "Hi Dono!" and dragged me to some guy at the corner of the room. He was staring at me so I decided to introduce myself. But he stopped me and said "I already know who you are, I'm Donatello by the way." Well this day is kinda scary I thought. Then I ordered water and they were all taking about High school while I was listening since it's not the same at my place. Then they asked me weird stuff like do I like a boy in my host family and am I here this summer for a big deal. I said them that we are cousins and Donatello kinda got quiet there. It would be more accurate to say he didn't said anything until we got out of the bar.

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