New ones

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After an hour of talking rubish and Donatello sitting there staring at all of us, I got up and told them we should go somewhere else,maybe where's more youthful faces... Alice agreed and took the lead. We walked for so long that I was upset and had no patience so I kept asking "Are we there yet?" but they were just laughing and saying you gonna love it!  It took us an hour until we finally arrived. Music was loud, the band was on a stage with the mics and instruments. I couldn't lie,that was more of my thing than that bar. Dono left us by casually sliding in a random boy's group. I was in my element after a short period of time,all smiled up I decided to meet even more new people. The group in the center grabbed themselves a table and talked so loud ,once you move pass them they grab all your attention. They were all older,one boy was fully covered with tattoos, another was smiling like a freak and 3 girls were chatting next to them about how they want to go backstage to meet the band. I was very nervous but decided I have to make the first move. "HELLO". The tattoo boy laughed at my face while ofering his hand to me. I told them I'm new here and then they relaxed while the girl in the middle added that they can see that very easily. Sofia yelled that I should come back to them immediately! I quicky turned and wanted to move back to Sofia,but then they decided to introduce themselves to me. "I'm Nick,the smiled guy said.I'm Massimo,the other one added.,I'm Maria,short one said brightly.Laura,red headed said.Giada,the last one added while shaking my hand. I turned again to see Sofia's worried face. It was so exciting,I always loved meeting new people. So I replied:I'm Aurora,nice to meet you all. Nick said  that I need to bring my friends to the table and went to Sofia right away. Alice came by herself dancing,she looked like nothing is going on,like she's taking a shower at home already. Giada asked what is going on and I told her that we are meeting new people and they asked us to come to their group now. She then came close to me and whispered:"Look Aurora,I can see you think this is gonna ve fun,but just don't go all the way to make friends tonight,leave that to later when Sofia might won't be around". I understood and shaked my head for the agreement. Then I got pushed. All of a sudden people were rushing to the stage,including Maria and Giada from the new girls joined them on which Alice looked at me all like "I wanna go too". Alice and I followed the others. They played the last song,which I never heard before,same as the ones before. I laughed because of the situation,being somewhere where you didn't even know exist,listening to the songs you don't know, surrounded by people who you know just by their names... others were singing and cheering.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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