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16 is my age. Name:Aurora.  Yes,I was born and raised in Croatia, Istra if that's enough precise for you. It's not?
Okay, so my mum is an actress and she did lots of main roles in films which made me see all castles around the country and meet famous people. My dad is a former model now he trains some boys who want to became professionals in that industry and he's a part of the team that is famous for fashion shows in Europe. My mum finished law school so she wants me to be a lawyer since she didn't make it. Ironic, isn't it? How she's smart but ends up doing something different which still lead her to money anyway but she's regreting it now,or that's just acting to make me study the most that I possibly could. Who knows.
Every summer we go as a family to Italy on a vacation. I love going trough all cities and enjoying it with my family. My dad and I always support each other and do crazy things but mum doesn't even get annoyed so it's not always that joyful.
But this summer it's different. They are too busy with work so they made me go there by myself and got me a plane ticket. It's still June. I just came to Italy and opened my package and a letter was in it. It says "love, mum" on it.
I though it's gonna be something like "make sure to be nice to people there and don't get yourself in problems" or "I left an order in Rome,go there next week and pick up my parfume" but no. The letter said: "If you wanna know more it's up to you,you're not an only child."I got confused because  I knew that a place where we always go for summer, the lady is most definitely my aunt, they look a like, so I thought she's confessing that.. But it didn't sounded like that. So I just read the entire thing then. "Please have a good time ,since we are not there you can get to know more people, but don't get attached to any italian boys there since they're no good for you or anyone, even themselves."  That sounded like her,she wasn't kidding there how it seemed to me.

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