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The door creaked open as the dark-haired girl entered the library. It was nearly empty, only half a dozen people in sight, including herself and the librarian. Despite that, she couldn't see the Gryffindor girl. She was probably at the restricted section. Or she lied and wasn't even in the library in the first place. Pansy hoped for the first but only time would tell.

"On your left," she felt someone brush against her as they headed to the opposite side of the library. Pansy turned to see who they were but all she saw was long dark curly hair. Granger - or at least she hoped it was Granger, she couldn't tell what color the person's hair was in the darkly-lit library but who else could it be at this time of night?

"Granger?" No answer. The person was long gone. Pansy brushed it off and made her way toward the restricted section. She stopped every couple of aisles to look for Granger. She better be here. Better not have wasted my time. Had to get my stupid emotions involved and over stupid Hermione freaking- 

"Granger!" Pansy had been pulled into the adjacent aisle by the shadowed person from the front of the library, which apparently had been Granger like she thought.

 "Shhh, Filch is by the Restricted section." Granger shushed her.

"Uh ok, he can't do shit though. Neither of us is doing anything wrong... for once."

"Maybe you arent but per usual, Harry needs help and I have to be the help because Ron's no help and per usual that help requires things that are in the Restricted section," Granger said gesturing with the pile of books in her arms. "Anyways, what was so important, Parkinson" 

"Oh uh- Yah that. Um, I've been wanting to tell-" She pause as she watched Granger struggle to hide the restricted books into her sack. "um do you need help?"

"Huh? Oh uh, sure.. yah..thanks" Pansy held the stack as Granger fit the last two restricted books in. "Sorry, what were you saying?" She took the stack back from Pansy.

"Uhm yeah so um I've been meaning to tell you something for a while... Uh, I kinda like someone..."

Granger arched her brow "Uhm ok.. what's it got to do with me?"

"It's someone you know..really well..."

"Harry? Uhm you know he's dating your best friend right?"

"Oh merlin no! Draco can have Potter" Pansy gagged

"Ron? I don't think you're really...his type?"

"Well, that's good because he isn't mine either but  who is his type hm?"

"Well, he says that he only likes me but he definitely has a huge crush on Zabini. He's also been acting pretty weird around Neville but that honestly might be just Ron being, ya know, Ron."

Blaise will be happy to hear that Pansy thought to herself or he'll be an ass about it. Or both? Yeah, probably both. Fucking douche.

"You'd know better than I do. You're getting close though.." Pansy anxiously fidgeted with her ring.

"The twins? Ginny? Wait no Ginny's with Luna... Wait do you like girls??"

"It's not a ginger, Weasley nor is it a boy. it is unfortunately a Gryfindork"

"Lavender? Parvati? Sally-Anne? Sophie?" Granger rattled off.

"Merlin no, no, and I have no idea who Sally-Anne or Sophie are. Are you literally just going to name all the Gryffindor girls?"

"Unless you give me more information, yes." Granger stepped closer. Much closer. As in if Granger stepped any closer, she'd be on top of Pansy. Pansy herself didn't mind the idea but maybe not in the school library

"How exactly do you expect to get said information?"

"I have my ways" Granger smirked.

"Kinky much?"

"If that's how you like it"

Granger? Kinky? Honestly not a surprise. Can't be all good girl hidden under that hair

"Ok then. liked her since second year..Gryffindor..Girl..5th year..Brunette..Brown eyes..Smart..and a smartass..Uhm a little shorter than me..Apparently a kinky bitch, which isn't like a surprise just not something you'd assume at first glance..Potter's and Weasel's best friend..." 

"Hmm..oh. Oh-She watched Granger's eyes grow wide as the realization of who Pansy was talking about. "uh look at the- at the time- I got to get back to the tower- uh back to Gryffindor-uh bye-" Granger stammered before rushing out of the library. Pansy stood, dumbfounded.

"I expected nothing and yet I'm still disappointed." She shook her head before turning on her heel and making her way out of the library with a sigh. "Well, at least Blaise gets some fucking good news...damn mother-fucking bastard"

{DISCONTINUED} Harry Potter InstaWhere stories live. Discover now