Chapter 19

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Sometimes I wonder what it must be like to live with a low level of paranoia. To feel safe by yourself in a world that leers, jeers, and interferes when you are just trying to walk around in peace.

What must it be like to walk a few blocks late at night without being afraid? What must it be like to not feel like you need to check for exits when you walk into a room filled with bigger, stronger people that look at you like you are a piece of meat to be devoured? What must it be like to wear a cute outfit and not have people catcall you? I think it would make you less angry, less afraid, less expectant that the world was out to hurt you.

But that wasn't the world I lived in and if that driver thought I was gonna get into his car, with the promise of taking me to the man who had made my life hell, he had another thing coming. I would much rather be rude than dead. EVERY. TIME. That guy either thought I was an idiot, or overly curious. And yes I was curious, but my self-preservation won out.

I narrowed my eyes, making it clear that his friendly smile wasn't welcome. "You must be on something big if you think I'm getting in that car."

Raising myself to my full height, I continued. "Feel free to tell your unstable boss that I'd rather dive headfirst into a pool of porcupines and sandpaper than spend a second with that hack."

The driver's eyes grew wide, either from shock at my audacity at insulting his boss, or the creativity in my insult. It was a good line. I hope it's the second.

Spotting my Uber pulling up to the curb, I gave Laurence's lackey a sweet smile. "Have a wonderful day!" I cooed, voice thick with sarcasm before turning on my heels and climbing inside my actual Uber, leaving the crazy driver gawking from his car. Ha!

I am never going to spend a single second with Laurence Royal.

But even as my ride drove towards my office, I wondered what Laurence's proposition was. What does that dumb dumb think he can offer me? It nagged at me like a splinter under my skin that I could feel but couldn't remove.

I settled in at my office, and after several attempts, pushed thoughts of Laurence, Tate, Laliana, and all the drama that I had stumbled into aside, pulling out my masterpiece. A secret piece I had been working on when no one was around.

I was surprised that it was fully intact. It was one of the only items that Laurence's team hadn't destroyed when they broke in. I had left my project in a secret compartment in my office because you know, I am a paranoid lady of chaos. Paranoia for the win! Gathering up the fabric in my arms, I shook it out.

Pulling it onto a mannequin in my office, I stared at the long intricate ball gown. The one I had designed for the Masquerade Fashion Show.

Black lace covered a deep red dress, creating the illusion of bright embers sparkling brightly in a dying fire. The top was cut to look like flower petals weaving across the bodice. There were no straps, giving the top clean lines.

The waist pulled in before flaring out below the hips, creating a beautiful hourglass shape and allowing the wearer to use any shoes they wanted as it ended at the floor. The wide flair allowed the user to sit however they wanted and the dress had pockets because every dress in the world was superior with pockets. It was like giving a girl superpowers.

I still had to make gloves and finishing adding lace to most of the dress. It was going to take a while with an injured wrist. But I had no interruptions and two days of silence ahead. Heaven.

But just as I was settling in, needle lifted up to strike the fabric and force it to do my bidding, my phone buzzed, shattering my single moment of peace.

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