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After my walk around the grounds with Asher and Killian, Asher escorted me to my room and made sure I had everything I needed, and only left when I basically barked that I was fine. I'm not used to this kind of treatment, people tending to my every need. It's bizarre, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. And something tells me the four guys I met tonight aren't just maintenance men.

Throw on top of that Asher being so kind to me, calling me love in that adorable British accent, and I'm even more confused. I plop down on the bed after changing into the silk pajamas that were left hanging on the back of the bathroom door (another thing I'm not used to—clothes being prepared for me) and go over what I know about this place.

My new bedroom is something out of a fairytale, the focal point being the enormous bed with a white tufted headboard. I practically needed a stepstool to climb onto the mattress. The bedding is also white with light gray trimmings. A wrought iron chandelier with lightbulbs shaped like flames hangs in the center of the room. A television is mounted inside the wall and requires a remote to slide the panel to the side so I can watch it. Two overstuffed white chairs sit across the room and swivel around, allowing me to look out the French doors that lead to a balcony overlooking the rose garden. If the room wasn't enough to blow me away, the walk-in closet pre-stocked with several designer pieces, and the bathroom with an open shower and infinity tub were. It really is a lot for a girl that spent her entire life in the same three-bedroom house with her mom.

I've never asked questions about how Corbin could afford the over-the-top birthday gifts he bought me, or the vacations he took my mom and me on. From the conversations I overheard as a child, I learned he works in real estate. But he never mentioned his ostentatious home or entire kitchen staff. It's strange that chose to hide such a lavish life from us.

A deep, mournful howl rings through the room, and I almost jump out of my skin. "What the hell is that?" I mumble, listening for the sound again. It was a dog-like animal, but the volume of its voice was deafening. I could swear it was right outside my window. I still and listen for it again, but the howl never comes.

I settle back against the pillows and resume my pondering.

I'm glad Avery is here; I have a feeling I will need a female perspective once in a while. Asher and Killian are pleasant, and I appreciate their taking me on a tour of the grounds, and it's cool that Remi is so close to my age, but the one I am most interested in seems to not even recognize my existence.

Elijah, with his tanned skin covered in tattoos, is a complete mystery to me. Not that I know the others from Adam, but he barely even greeted me when we met. And instead of being turned off by that, I am even more intrigued. His sister is so friendly that it makes up for his gruffness, but it's still odd that he's so standoffish. He has to be in his early twenties; perhaps he saw me the same as he sees Avery.

My eyelids start to droop as the weariness I've been fighting for days overtakes me and I nuzzle into the silken sheets. Another howl echoes through the room, and I spring upright. I'm positive it's not a regular dog. The cry is deeper, louder...and seems really fucking close to the house. Holding my breath, I ease out of bed and tiptoe to the window. The latch locking it glides back and I push the frame open inch by inch, listening to the anguished yowling.

The noise is close to the house, and my muscles tense as I squint through the pitch black, trying to make anything out. But nothing is outside but the trees swaying in the wind and thousands of stars. Tentatively, I call, "Hello? Is anyone out there?" Immediately, I feel foolish. What did I think would happen, they'd answer me?

The howling stops abruptly then starts up again, fading into the distance. With trembling hands, I shut and lock the window. My feet swiftly pad across the floor before I hop back into bed, covering my head with the comforter and forcing the echo of the deep cries from my mind.

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