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I cross my arms over my chest and glare down at the future Lycan Queen and a shifted Elijah under a crescent moon. "How did this happen?"

Noelle swallows and combs her fingers through Elijah's ebony fur. "I told you; I can't control my power yet. It was an accident. I really don't know how I did it. I just...Elijah wanted to run one night, and I wished that he could do it whenever he wants. Somehow, I made it happen. Don't ask me to explain because I can't."

Remi seems to accept that explanation and lets out a long exhale. "Wow. I don't even know what to say."

"There's nothing to say," Noelle answers, and she shivers against the night breeze. 

"Have you two—" I raise my eyebrow suggestively.

Elijah huffs and Noelle shakes her head. "No. We are just toeing that awkward line between sexually charged friends and lycan mates," she says, giving Elijah the side eye.

I look at Remi and say, "Take Noelle inside, please. She needs to get dressed before she freezes to death, and I need to speak with our com—with our alpha," I say in a teasing tone.

Elijah snorts and glares at me with his glowing blue eyes.

Expecting Noelle to argue, I prepare my reasons for her to go with Remi, but she doesn't. Instead, she kisses Elijah's furry head and lets Remi wrap an arm around her shoulder, guiding her back through the forest. 

When they're out of earshot, I say, "Shift back so you can respond to me, you stubborn ass."

Elijah does as I ask after a couple of seconds, and I shake my head as I take off my basketball shorts and hand them to him, leaving me in my boxers and pullover. He slides them on, and we settle on a fallen tree trunk.

After a few moments of silence, I finally say, "What the hell are you thinking?"

Looking straight ahead, he cocks a brow and says, "That I enjoy shifting whenever I want. I'm definitely less stressed."

"Not about that, you asshole. What are you doing with Noelle?"

"I'm spending time with her, giving her what I can to make up for the way things have to be."

I move so I have one leg over either side of the log and shove his shoulder until he turns to face me. "Things do not have to be like this."

He scoffs and kicks at the dirt. "You don't know what you're talking about, Killian."

"Then why don't you tell me? What I do know is that you have a mate who is fucking smart, sexy, funny, gorgeous, strong...for fuck's sake, she's a literal queen. And the best part? She is head over fucking heels in love with you. And you're keeping her at arm's length because this is how it has to be?"

"It is how it has to be. She understands—"

"Bullshit. You know the night you told her that you were her mate, she came to my room in tears. I know you felt it. But did you feel that she was absolutely broken, begging me to make her forget? And you know what? I did."

"I know you did; you made sure I heard every bit of it."

"You sure as hell weren't taking care of her."

"Fuck you, Killian. I'm doing the best I can with the situation at hand," he grits out, clenching his fists on top of his knees.

I spring to my feet. "The situation at hand? She's your fucking mate, not some covert mission Corbin has sent us to rectify. The girl begged me to rip her in two so she wouldn't feel the anguish you caused inside her." I'm being harsh, but I need him to understand; he's my brother, who I want to be happy. I can't sit by and watch him make a stupid mistake that is so easily corrected.

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