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I spend the next three minutes from the dining room to Noelle's room telling my dick to calm the fuck down. She didn't say anything about wanting to pick up where we left off the other night; in fact, I think she's just sticking it to the rest of the guys, showing them she can do whatever she wants.

She opens the door to her room and invites me in, and I ease the door shut with a click. "Don't you want me to wait outside while you change, though?" I ask, pointing my thumb toward the hallway.

Noelle turns back around to face me, her hair whipping around her shoulders. "No, I need your help, actually."

"My help?"

"Yeah." She spins around and gestures to her back. "Can you unzip me? This dress was hard to get into and I think it might be even harder to get out of."

Oh my God, this girl is trying to kill me. At least if I'm going down, it will be with a smile on my face. I step up behind her and sweep her blonde hair over her shoulder. Her back is kissed with countless golden freckles that grace her shoulders and sprinkle up her neck. I bite my lip to hold back a smile when I reach for her zipper. It is low on her back, and she could easily have slid it down herself. She wants me to touch her, to help her get undressed.

I trail my fingertips across her shoulders and down her spine. Her skin raises into millions of goosebumps and her breath is unsteady. I press my lips to the slope where her neck meets her shoulder and ease down the zipper.

"You looked really beautiful tonight," I say with another kiss to the back of her neck.

Her skin heats under my lips and she says, "Thank you. I didn't get to put on any makeup since someone burst into my bathroom and made a big deal about me being late for dinner."

"He's a drama queen. Don't pay any attention to him. Besides, you don't need makeup," I whisper, kissing the skin right below her ear.

Noelle sighs, and her head lolls to the side, giving me access to her neck. She smells like heaven and is so soft under my lips. I want to get lost in her, kissing and licking.

"Ever since I arrived here, I feel like my skin is too sensitive and I can't find any relief. I'm constantly aching to be touched. Have you ever felt like that?" she asks breathlessly.

Fuck. Have I ever felt like that? Only every damn second I'm around her. I thought nothing could compare to what I went through months ago, but she has only amplified that need in me. I never had the chance to act upon it, to feel that satisfaction others feel, but I can experience it now with her.

"I've felt like this more times than I can count," I whisper, sliding my hand down her stomach and pressing her back against my hardening dick.

A gasp escapes her lips, and she leans back, grinding against me, and I clench my teeth to stifle the groan that rises in my throat.

"Remi, I—" She takes a deep breath and turns to face me, sliding her fingers around to the nape of my neck. "I feel like I should tell you; I'm a virgin. I don't—don't know how experienced you are or what you expect from me tonight, but I just wanted you to know that."

I grip her wrist and bring her palm to my lips. "You're not the only one who is a virgin, and I'm not looking for anything but to help with that ache and make you feel good."

My fingers slide under the strap of her dress, and I lower it down her shoulder. The drumming in my chest turns violent as the fabric falls down her chest and reveals the swell of her breasts. My mouth waters at the sight of thousands of golden freckles that trail into the black, lacy cup of her bra. I drop my head and skim my lips over them, drawing a sweet moan from her.

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