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"Chishiya Shuntaro." Aguni's voice echoes in the empty, bare room chosen as a courtroom. "You stand charged with treason, attempted rape, and attempted murder. We will not ask how you plead, as the man before us is possessed of a demonic enenra and no longer anything but a vessel for that being. As such, we find you guilty. The sentence is exile, to be immediately carried out. You are not to return until the demon's anchor has been discovered and destroyed. Do you understand?"

Haunted, mournful eyes drift upward from where Chishiya is contained by handcuffs and manacles in a kneeling position on the ground. He looks first at Aguni, then at you, and finally toward Niragi, who glances swiftly away. He begins to nod his aquiesence to the sentencing when suddenly his face undergoes the shockingly abrupt change from Chishiya to the demon, and he becomes almost unrecognizable. His skin turns nearly translucent, the bones of his skull visible, his eyes grow manic and wild as his hair as his hair seems to become dry and brittle, filled with static.

Immediately he is grabbed and held by his arms as he attempts to lunge forward, his eyes blazing. Aguni flings his arms out to either side, protecting you and Niragi, even as Takuma scrambles to begin writing out a hammy talisman.

Suddenly the doors fly open, followed by a strong wind which knocks you over and slams Niragi into Aguni's side. A dark shape slithers swiftly, yet with an odd shimmering motion, across the room. Black, brackish fluid spews from Chishiya's mouth as the mysterious figure slaps an omamori, a protective paper amulet, on his back, then slips away with a flash to stand beside you, helping you to your feet.

Chishiya coughs and chokes as the sludge flows away from him, the biting, cloying smell of iron and copper filling the room alongside the scent of bogwater and corruption. When he finally stands, he appeared drained of vitality though his eyes are bloodshot and still slightly crazed.

"He is sane enough now to fight the demon on his own until you find and destroy its anchor. I will help you—but first, you must send him on his way."

You look into the dark eyes hidden within the hood of the cloaked figure before you, instantly recognizing him.


He falters, his aura of self-confidence cracking for the barest of moments before he once again flashed those dazzlingly with teeth, like a tiger that's about to eat the whole zebra.

"I was one in another life, yes. In the old world I was Takeru Danma, owner of Danma hat shop. Before that I worked in Kabukicho. That was a very interesting life... and you look familiar."

HIs twinkling gaze lands on Aguni, and as their eyes meet it's as though you're watching time slow and reverse, rivers of it twisting around each other. Aguni grows thoughtful, the old worry line appearing between his eyes. Hatter becomes pensive, his face showing his confusion as he seems to focus inward. Suddenly his eyes snap back to Aguni, who shortly follows with wide eyes of his own.

"Ten years!?" They squawk simultaneously.

"You are Hatter?"

"We were friends for 10 years!"

"The arch-nemesis we've been hunting?"

"Ten years, Mori-chan! My god, how could I have forgotten?"

"How could I have forgotten, too? This damned place..."

You glance from one to the other in confusion.

"Wait—you knew each other before? And you didn't remember...?"

"We were friends for ten years," Aguni responds, his voice slow and soft. "Very good friends—"

Alice In Borderland: Riptide (Season 2)Where stories live. Discover now