Chapter 4

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Month 5 1/2

Liams POV

   It was dark in our room as I slowly stirred awake, groggily looking over towards the alarm clock near Lou I see its two in the morning. Confused as to why I'm up I take in my surroundings hearing the steady breathing of my husbands I was about to roll over and fall asleep again until I heard it. A small whimper which was soon followed by a sniffle, panic consumed me as I can tell that whimper and sniffle belong to Harry. Turning over quickly yet carefully I lay face to face with my crying boy. His face was scrunched up as he held onto his rounded tummy crying silently as he tries to rub it. 'Baby whats wrong?' I whisper hoping that he just had a nightmare and needs a bit of comfort before falling back asleep, my hopes were worth nothing as my stomach sank from just two little words. "It hurts..." he whimpered clutching his stomach hard as I could see a sheen of sweat on his forehead bouncing of the moonlight.

   I swallowed hard trying to regain a little of my composer before asking him more questions. 'What hurts baby?' I say a little panicked and a bit loud completely disregarding my other sleeping husbands. "My tummy... it hurt Li.." he was barely able to whimper out before a loud sob wracked through his body. The boys stirred from the noise and motion as I started flinging the covers off of all of us. Jumping over Louis I run into our walk in closet and grab us all a shirt and sweats. I though the boys theirs while I help Harrys into his clothes being as delicate as I possibly can. "Whats going on?" Niall asked concern in his voice as the three quickly put on their clothes. 'We need to go to the hospital, Harrys having stomach pains.' I see their faces pale as I hoist Harry into my arms while explaining the situation. Without another word we headed out of the house and went straight to the hospital where a bunch of medical staff took Harry to the back while we wait restlessly in the waiting room. 

  It was torture, waiting was torture. All of the possible scenarios running through my head as I stared at the door they rushed Harry through. What if somethings wrong with one of the triplets? What if somethings wrong with all of the triplets? What if somethings wrong with the triplets and Harry? What if he miscarried? What if he died? All the worse possible scenarios ran through my head as I sat in the plastic chair with Nialls head resting on my shoulder, the boys don't look like their doing well either. Zayn is completely starring off into space while Louis' are bloodshot from the nonstop tears streaming down his cheeks and Niall he seems calm, he seems to have hope. Hope that Harry will be fine, hope our babies will be fine and this was all some sort of growing pain just a really bad one.

   "Family of Mr. Harry Edward Styles-MaloranTayne?" a short curvy male nurse said coming out from the doors where they took Harry away. The four of us immediately jump from our seats and rush the short male. "Thats us, were his husbands." Niall says looking as panicked as the rest of us now, his calmness didn't last for long. The nurse gave us a kind smile as he holds his iPad to his chest as he greets us. "I'm Dan, the head nurse on your husbands case. I'm here to tell you four to release all of your panic and stress as your husband and little ones are fine." he says making us practically melt with relief as we hug each other letting happy tears free. "He just had a bit of gas stuck causing him major discomfort. We gave him some medicine to help him pass the gas but we'd like to keep him here for a couple of days just to keep an eye on him. Would you like to go see him." Dan says as we nod our heads just desperately wanting to have our Hazza in our arms again. Giving us his room number we practically sprint up two flights of stairs and down many sets of halls just to stand stock outside his door.

   Taking a deep breathe Zayn slowly opens the door incase Harrys asleep only to be treated by a dazed Harry smiling at us with a hand rubbing has stomach lightly. Unable to contain our excitement we race to the bed and hug him. "Don't squeeze too hard boys, still got some gas in here." Harry giggled as we pull away looking a bit dazed by the medications. "Guess I'll have to squeeze ya harder." Niall says as he jokingly squeeze Harry unintentionally squeezing a little two hard making Harry let out a little gas. His face went crimson red as he tried to hide his face in his hands, no matter with all the years we've been together Harry will always be embarrassed to pass gas in front of us. Niall and Louis couldn't help but chuckle at Harrys embarrassment while I go over to hold him getting his face shoved into my stomach as he tries to hide. "Its alright baby, no need to be embarrassed just let it out it will make you feel better, we don't mind." Zayn coo's as he rubs Harrys back soothingly while Louis and Niall regain their composures. Untucking himself from my abdomen he looks up at us with the teariest puppy eyes I've ever seen. "Promise?" he asked quietly making us all coo at his adorableness as we answer his question quicker than a heartbeat.

   "'We promise baby'"

Hello World,

I hope hope you enjoyed this chapter! HAPPY OCTOBER! Its my favorite month and I will definitely be doing a halloween chapter in one of my books I just haven't decided, what story would you like chapter to be in? What did you think? Just a reminder that in this story men are pregnant for ten months while women are only pregnant for nine. Feel free to leave name suggestions in the comments. This is probably going to be one of my shorter stories but I hope you still enjoy it!

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