Chapter 12

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Nialls POV

   "You shouldn't... have asked her.. to call.... themmmmm!" Harry grumbled as he worked through the contraction which is now lasting for forty-five seconds. I roll my eyes as of course he doesn't want to disturb our husbands while they were at work due to him being in pain. 'Sunshine, we're going to be having our babies soon of course we need to call them. You don't want them to miss it do you?' I ask brushing his hair off his forehead while he squeezes my hand. "N-Noooooooo!" he groaned holding out the O as he rode out the contraction 'Well then sunshine we've gotta give them a call so they'll be here.' I say placing a kiss on his brow watching him dose off as we waited for the next contraction.

   "OOOOOOOOOO...NIALLLLLLLL!" Harry groaned into the pillow as he rocked back and forth on all fours as he rode out the contraction. 'Im here sunshine, I'm here. Do you want some more ice chippies?' I ask feeling utterly useless, Harry continues to groan until his contraction slowly starts to end. "No Ni... I just want my mummy!" Harry whines in between pants as tears start to form in his eyes. Its been an hour since he was admitted and it seems we've hit a bit of a stall in the progression of his labour. 'Oh sunshine don't cry she'll be here any minute now, and so will the boys.' I say trying to sound calm and convincing when I have absolutely no clue where any of them are.

   The nurse was only able to get a hold of Anne who said she was going to be here fifteen minutes ago. As for our husbands the nurse explained that someone picked up and did even allow her to say hello before berating her on having this number. I assume it was someone on the PR team who answered their phones as she said it did not sound like any of our husbands voices. I even tried calling them five separate times and each time I went straight to voice mail. If I ever find out who on the PR team is responsible for this I'm going to make sure their fired as this is just unacceptable.

   'Haz, Im going to step out for a moment to go to the restroom, will you be okay?' I ask running my fingers threw his curls making him sigh as he leaned into my touch. Nodding his head sleepily he grabbed my hand and placed a soft kiss on it before waving me off. Making my way to the door I turn around one more time just to make sure before I leave and actually make some phone calls. With his still being curled up on the hospital bed and dozing off I reach for the door only to get knocked back by the person rushing in.

   "Oh my sweet baby!" Anne says as she makes her way over to Harrys bedside, Harry didn't even move she quickly made her way over to him. Just like that with Harry held in his mothers embrace the gates begin to flood and both of them are in tears. "Mummy!" Harry sobbed as he held tightly onto Anne after a minute of silence with the occasional sniffle the two slowly break apart and its when Anne takes notice of me. "Nialls honey, hello! I'm so sorry I didn't notice you until now. Its just..." Anne was about to explain before I waved her off 'No need to apologies Anne I get it, honestly.' I say before excusing myself once again to go to the "restroom".

   Walking down the hall I immediately start to dial Lou's number hoping he's going to pick up. It barely rang twice before I was sent to voice mail, trying my luck again I try Liam as honestly only one of them has to pick up the phone to get both of them. Same thing that happened to me with Louis happened to me with Liam. Third times the charm, ringing Zayn I was preparing for the worst as I know that once its gone past ring four the likely hood of him picking it up is at zero. Yet someone must be looking down on me as on the fifth ring he picks up. 

   "Niall? Whats goi.."(Z) 'No time for questions Z, just listen. Harrys in the hospital he's been having contractions since last night and now there only seven minutes apart and are lasting for forty-five seconds. You need to get your ass here now and while you at it get Li and Lous asses too! They won't pick up and Im afraid if you guys don't hurry you might miss it. Got it'(Me) "Ok, got it. I got this. Im just going to become a father soon and if I don't hurry up I could miss it. HOLY SHIT! I'LL BE THERE AS FAST AS I CAN! TELL HARRY I LOVE HIM AND I'LL BE THERE SOON!" and with that he abruptly ended the call.

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Some one commented in one of my stories that you guys want longer labour/births so I came to deliver! Next chapter I promise the babies will be here. They direction babies already have names but the 5SOS babies still need names! Feel free to vote, comment, follow me, read my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or do all four!

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