morning wake up

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*Joe and Mika are busy parents to an eleven month old. We will travel back in time to find out how Elijah came about! But let's enjoy a cute scene of the three of them! Thank you to joebidenloving for helping me write this!*

July 17th, 2021

It is 7:45am at the Brzezinski-Scarborough household! It is a warm Saturday morning in Jupiter Florida but the temperature will quickly be in the 80s before noon.

Right now, Joe is currently keeping his and Mika's eleven month old son Elijah occupied and happy so Mika can sleep in a little bit this morning.

Mika is always the one that gets Elijah up during the mornings and gets his day started. Elijah usually wakes up at around 8:55 or 9:00am, right after Morning Joe finishes taping but today, Elijah decided to wake up at 6am.

But to be fair, Elijah has been teething lately so that could be why he woke up super early today.

Joe, Elijah and the two Maine Coon cats Meatball and Spaghetti are all sitting on the living floor watching an episode of Sesame Street and are playing with blocks and trains.

Elijah happily watches the Sesame Street scene which is called Elmo's World. The episode is about birthdays.

"Look, Eli! Look! You are going to have a birthday party just like that soon!" Joe says as he points at the TV and smiles.

"Ooooo!" Elijah says as he giggles and smiles at Joe.

"There will be a birthday cake and presents and even some balloons." Joe says as he brings Elijah into his lap and brings him in to a big bear hug.

"Dada ake!" Elijah says and smiles brightly up at Joe.

"Yes buddy, you'll get a birthday cake just like Jack did on his birthday! Remember you got a piece?" Joe says to Elijah and Elijah smiles.

Elijah babbles on as they continue to watch the show. When the Cookie Monster appears on the screen, Elijah squeals and Joe laughs at his son's enthusiastic reaction to his favorite character.

"You like the Cookie Monster, don't you bud? You are my own little Cookie Monster.." Joe says and kisses his son on the head.

"Oookie." Elijah says, giving his dad a big wet kiss on the cheek.

Joe begins to sing the C is for Cookie song and Elijah tries to sing along the best an eleven month old can.

Elijah then crawls out of Joe's lap and he begins to pet the cats. Elijah grabs Meatball's tail and playfully pulls it with Joe stopping him right away.

"Aaa aa, no. We don't pull on tails. We don't pull on the cats tails. That hurts." Joe says as he stops Elijah.

Meatball begins to sniff Elijah as Elijah pets his head and so does Joe.

"Good boy, Meatball. You are a good boy." Joe says as he pets Meatball's head.

"At!" Elijah says as he points at Meatball and Spaghetti.

"Yes, Meatball is a cat! And so is Spaghetti! Great job! Spaghetti come here!" Joe says as Spaghetti happily walks over to Joe.

Joe sits Spaghetti in his lap and pets him and so does Elijah.

"Spaghetti just had a birthday!" Joe says as Elijah cheers happily.

"Kate's birthday is next and then it is your birthday! Yay!" Joe says in a babyfied voice and Elijah smiles and giggles.

Elijah continues to pet both cats but then begins to wonder where Mika is.

"Da da! Ma ma?" Elijah says putting his hands up in the air looking for Mika.

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