catching feelings

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*Joe and Mika tell each other their feelings for each other. Thank you to thegoldenaviators for helping me write this 🥰❤️ Disclaimer: This is fanfiction meaning it's make believe. Nobody knows how or when Mika and Joe told each other their feelings for each other. This is my interpretation I DO NOT know how they actually told each other their feelings and I support Mika and joes decision to keep that private.. I DO NOT believe either one cheated in their marriages. Thank you and enjoy!

Late November 2015

Morning Joe just wrapped up their show for the day and everyone is either leaving for the day to head home or to work on other projects.

Mika walks into her office to work on some things before heading home herself. Mika doesn't really like being home anymore because her personal life right now isn't the best.

I won't see Joe for a week after tomorrow's show. He is such a wonderful dad to all four of his kids but I am going to miss him so much. Seeing Joe is literally the highlight of my day. I wish I saw him more than at work or work functions.

Mika sits down on the floor of her office and begins to break down and cry. Mika's depression has really been hitting her and she hates life right now.

I just want Joe! I want Joe! Why can't I be with him? I want to be with him so fucking bad.

Meanwhile, Joe just left his office and he is going to Mika's office check on her. Joe has been noticing that Mika hasn't been acting right on air and off air. Joe doesn't know what's wrong but he wants to find out.

Joe finds Mika's office door shut, which is very unusual for her because she always has it open for anybody to come in to see her.

"Mika? Mika? Are you in here?" Joe asks out loud as he puts his ear to the door and he hears Mika crying, nearly hyperventilating.

Joe quickly opens the door, luckily it wasn't locked and walks into Mika's office, shutting the office door behind him.

"Mika? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Joe asks Mika softly as he rubs her back but he startles her.

Jesus Christ, Joe! You scared me! But I'm so glad you are here, I missed your voice already even though we have been off the air for an hour.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Come here, Mika. Come here. Let me help you get through this. It's okay." Joe says softly to Mika and Mika turns around slowing trying to calm herself down but can't.

Joe quickly picks Mika off of the floor and holds her close to him, something he has done with all of his kids but never Mika.

Joe and Mika always hugged each other to be friendly co-workers. However, Joe has never held Mika before but Mika doesn't seem to mind.

Joe holds Mika in his arms and his lap, helping her breathe slower and calm down through her panic attack. Joe has never seen Mika like this before and he is worried about her but he doesn't want her to feel that he is worried.

Did Joe just pick me up? Why did he do that? Why is he holding me? He has never done that to anyone I know. But this is amazing.

"It's okay, Mika. It's okay. Take deep breaths. Nice deep breaths. Just focus on your breathing, okay? I don't want you to pass out. I'm right here, I'm not leaving." Joe whispers as he rubs Mika's back, helping her calm down.

I never thought that I would want to stay panicked just to be in Joe's lap because this is absolute heaven.

Mika is in instant heaven, being in Joe's strong and big arms and sitting in his lap. She doesn't want this to end but she know it will at some point sadly.

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