v. bleeker street buzz

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THEA FELT HER joints freeze up

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THEA FELT HER joints freeze up. Her wrists prickled and when she looked down, the web of blue-green veins pulsated with energy. The Allfather was dead... and the lockdown enchantment with him. She could practically hear Serafina's voice blend in with the whispers of her ancestors, pushing her forward. Suddenly, her vision came again and the desire for home almost blinded Thea. Go, go, GO! Take your Valoqar and conquer what is rightfully yours.

The stronghold of dragons and their lords, the seat of the Valaryen bloodline. Dragonfort.

It may have been the worst time for the ground beneath her to tremble. A rumbling echoed so far away, Thea pinched her arm to make sure she wasn't just hearing things. Somewhere in the Sanctum, artifacts started to rattle. Tony turned around slowly and suspiciously to face the group.

"Say, Doc, you wouldn't happen to be moving your hair, would you?" he inquired.

All eyes fixated on the little strand of raven black hair fluttering against the sorcerer's temple. Strange's brows narrowed as the rumbling increased around them. "Not at the moment, no."

The moment Thea felt a familiar shudder down her spine, she looked up. Dust pooled in spinning gyres, collecting debris and pieces of paper past the blue sky. "It's coming around, guys," she remarked.

Tendrils of fire bloomed around her, as if her own powers knew there was a fight. In seconds, she was fully uniformed and moving forward with the rest of the ensemble out of the Sanctum. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Tony's gaze fixate on her silver-gold hair which decorated her head in plaits.

It was safe to say the world was plunged into pandemonium. Screams erupted from people running away, clashing with the frantic blaring of car horns where traffic had tangled up. Drivers were rushing out of their cars to join the hordes of panickers. Tony was up ahead, turning around in confusion as a woman racing toward them stumbled and fell to the sidewalk.

Just as he grabbed her hand to pull him up, a rampaging car nearly crashed into a lamp post if it wasn't for Thea flicking a jet of fire against the front. The tires squealed to a stop but just through the tinted windshield, she could see the driver slump against the steering wheel.

"Someone help him!" Thea shouted behind her.

"Go, go! We got it!" Bruce urged as he and Wong rushed to the sedan.

Tony slipped on his fancy sunglasses. "FRIDAY, what am I looking at?" He seemed to receive an answer from the AI because he spun around and pointed at Strange. "Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc!"

Bright orange light materialized around Strange's wrist and it expanded into ornate disks that looked a lot like bangles. Thea rushed forward but suddenly felt Tony yank her back against the corner as a red banner hurtled through the air in a cloud of blinding dust. Her eyes burned and they squinted to try and get a better visual of... a giant donut hovering in the sky?

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