- NOVEMBER 7, 2016 -

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Karen Page, Lead Reporter
November 7th, 2016

Following the sudden crash of a Stark Industries cargo plane on Coney Island and the arrest of Adrian Toomes, a former salvage worker convicted of building and distributing illegal weapons from alien material, one can only assume who the mysterious saviors—Spider-Man and the new-comer Illyris— really are.

Now, Illyris has come forward, calling herself Rhaenerys Valaryen and confirming her relation with Aeres Valaryen, also known as the Mad Dragon and the orchestrator of the 2000 Greenflame Massacre in London. There is no record of such a name existing in global census records, sparking the question of whether or not Illyris has provided a false name to further conceal her identity. The news stunned the press and numerous analysts, who were not aware of a second Valaryen child.

Many have criticized the vigilantes' presence, labeling them dangerous and unpredictable, criminals, or freaks of nature. What we should be calling them are heroes.

In the past decade, there has been a sharp increase in the number of Enhanced individuals in the world. For example, former Avengers, Wanda Maximoff, a native Sokovian, and participant in the Battle of Sokovia, and the synthezoid named Vision. Both fugitives possess abilities of unthinkable power and it seems like the mysterious masquerader currently posing as Illyris share these gifts.

Making her first public appearance in September, Illyris had remained a mystery to the world. She was described to be female, with "long dark hair in a braid," a black coat and mask, along with a silver pin of a three-headed dragon. This symbol once presented an interesting hint to her allegiance and identity but is now confirmed to be the crest of her family, House Valaryen.

The video footage showed Illyris demonstrating powerful acts of "fire magic", taking down unidentified and almost alien creatures in self-defense. Aiding her was Spider-Man, the web-slinging vigilante of Queens.

Tips that poured in suggest that during the fire on Coney Island, Illyris willfully walked into a raging conflagration to protect civilians, including Spider-Man. It is here where two fossilized eggs that Toomes had stolen had hatched into two fire-breathing dragons. Rhaenerys' hair has also been turned to a stark platinum blonde, matching that of her father's which inadvertently drew concern for parallels of their ambitions.

Since then, both vigilantes have worked to decrease New York's crime rates by a staggering 37%. It is an unprecedented event, though in this world it must be expected. The good both Spider-Man and Illyris had done for this world is indicative of the difference they have made. Where would we be without them?

It is time to welcome change as an evolving race. The myths of magic are not as mythical as they once seemed and it is the Mother of Magic, Rhaenerys Valaryen, who made them come true.

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