Drew Joins, Melissa has Glasses, And a Battle

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Bella: Concert was awesome!
Jason: Ikr!
Emma: Still don't know what Ikr means.
Anita: i know right
Emma: Really! what does Ikr mean?
Melissa: I know right!
Emma: Geese, no on here knows what it means.
Melissa: Idiot
Emma: Excuse me?
Jason: You better run, Melissa.
Melissa: I'm Not scared!
Jason: Anyways. concert was a-maz-ing!
Anita: I loved the first song they played!
Leo: You guys know where Emma is?
Percy: Where's Melissa?
Bella: Why?
Anita: Where are they actually?
Jason: They're at Firework Beach battling each other
Leo: Why?
Jason: Melissa called Emma an idiot and Emma got mad so they started battling each other.
Leo: I'm gonna watch!
Leo: cya
Percy: Same!
Drew: ewwwwwwwww.
Anita: why'd Leo add Drew in here?
Drew: typing ruins my nails!
Piper: I don't care!
Drew: Piper!
Drew: We just gave you a makeover!
Drew: How dare you ruin your nails!
Piper: Because I dont care about them
Melissa: Back!
Emma: I so hate you now!
Melissa: Same!
Bella: What happened?
Leo: Melissa judo flipped Emma, Emma skinned Melissa's leg
Percy: They both somehow cover each other with water.
Percy: Don't know how. like a wave came and splashed them.
Percy: I swear I didn't do it!
Emma: Why is drew in here!
Anita: Think she left.
Jason: Melissa.
Melissa: ?
Jason: I might've made your glasses fall off the top shelf, but they're fine!
Jason: No cracks!
Emma: You have glasses?
Piper: Pft! wow.
Melissa: Thanks alot Jason.

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