Stabbed - The Flash

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It was just another normal day for me, or as normal a day could be when you woke up from a 9 month long coma to find you had superspeed and then become a famous superhero, not that anyone knows that, if they find out then it could cause problems for my family.

I was just walking home from work, normally I would run but the air was soft and the weather was lovely. Suddenly I feel a hand grab by my collar and drag me into a dark alley. He placed me into a head lock and placed a knife by my neck.

"Give me all your money!!!" he said in a harsh voice, showing no mercy. I didn't do anything. "I said give me all your money!!!! Now!!"

"Or you'll what?" I sassed back. He placed the knife closer to my neck and my heart rate sped up quickly. I found myself reaching for my wallet and I felt ashamed. Me, the fastest man alive, the scarlet speedster of Central City, and I can't defend myself from a mugger.

I slowly handed him my wallet but obviously it wasn't quick enough and he quickly put the knife through my body, I looked down and saw the tip of the knife showing through my torso. He took me out of the headlock and I stumbled a little bit before managing to not fall to the ground.

When I turned around he was gone, the man had disappeared in thin air. He disappeared really quickly, and that's coming from a speedster so that must mean something. I stumbled out of the alleyway and walked for a bit.

When I had gained back enough energy and I was out of sight, I supersped to STAR Labs and fell onto one of the beds in the medbay. "Knife" I croaked at them. Catlin gave me a disapproving look and Cisco had a smirk on his face, was he proud of something?

I gave him the death stare and he held his hands up in defence and walked backwards. I smiled before looking back at Catlin, who was standing there with sterile gloves on. "On 3 okay?" I nodded and she smiled. "3" and she dug her hands into my torso and removed the knife.

"I thought you said on 3!" I told her.

"I did it on 3, it's better to do it when you don't expect it, and it's funny to see you in pain. It serves you right." I just rolled my eyes. I sat up after a bit. "Now do you promise not to get stabbed again while in civilian clothing."

"Fine." I told her as I was about to walk out the door, she had a smile on her lips. "But no promises."

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