Fever - Spidey

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I dragged my feet on the marble hallways lining the ground of the school as my eyes blinked lazily, struggling to stay open. I slowly but surely walked into one of the classrooms and saw Mr Harrition, plus the rest of the Academic Decathlon team (including Flash sadly) sitting there waiting for me.

"You look like death." MJ stated simply as if it was nothing new. It wasn't new for today, I had been feeling crap the whole day but I didn't want to, or felt like I needed to, miss a day of school. In all reality, despite the nano amount of common sense and self-preservation I had, even I knew it was a miracle that I had made it this far today at all.

I chuckle slightly before sitting down on one of the chairs as MJ starts the meeting. She starts talking about how we could improve from the last session and what would make us better for the finals before finally deciding to commence a small round with the team to make sure our minds are still sharp. As I walked to one of the two sides, I doubted I would even be able to recall the periodic table, something which I can normally do as second nature.

After a bit of time MJ suddenly stops talking and I have no idea why. I then hear footsteps trying to be as soft as possible as they walk over to me. I suddenly feel a soft, yet freezing, hand on my forehead and wince away as it touches my skin.

"You're burning up, Parker." MJ tells me. "I'm calling May." She tells me and I somehow grab her phone and stop her.

"She..." In the hazy and dizziness of my mind I have to stop. "At work." I manage to say before I feel myself slump onto the top of the desk and everything goes black.

— — — — —

When I open my eyes I notice a hunched figure sitting beside me with a light in their chest. I go to sit up but the figure automatically moves without even looking up and pushes me back into the soft bedding. "Hey kid." They tell me and I smile.

"Hi, Mr Stark." I reply but then frown, he's going to lecture me again isn't he. "How are you?"

"I should be asking you that. Afterall I am not the one that decided to go to school despite feeling ill, not phone May, me or Happy when your condition worsened and waited to pass out in class before you got help." I wince slightly, yep, lecture, knew it."

I lean back slightly and look at May and smile slightly. "So, how bad was my fever?" I ask and May's eyes widen, maybe I shouldn't have inferred I knew what was wrong with me and just kept silent. I chuckle nervously as I glance down at the soft blanket covering me.

"If you're worried about us lecturing you, then don't worry, we won't kid." Tony told me and I looked at him suspiciously.

"Nor will I." May said as she stood up. "See you at dinner." She tells me before walking out of the room and leaving me with Tony, who I turn my head and look at.

Tony stands up and pats himself down but doesn't say a word. I glance at him awkwardly and with confusion written all over my face. This makes no sense, why isn't he lecturing me. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be lectured but it made no sense, this wasn't like him. This must be some kind of trick, there must be some kind of loophole to what he is saying.

Tony smiles at me before turning around the corner of the door and disappearing out of sight. I sigh slightly and lean back into the pillows and place my cold hands on my now slightly warm forehead with a smile on my face.

I suddenly hear footsteps down the hall and shoot up in the bed and I come face to face with Steve Rodgers. Haha. I just knew there was a catch to what Tony was saying. Of course he would send him of all people to come and have a chat with me.

I groaned slightly, already knowing my fate as he stood there in all his patriotic glory. He gets a chair, and just like in his PSAs, he turns it so the back is facing me and sits on it the wrong way. He gives me a slight grin and I slump forward slightly, just wondering why Tony had to embarrass me like this.

He leans forward and drapes his hands over the top of the chair. "So, you decided to go to school with a fever."

— — — — —

On the other side of the tower, if you listened closely enough and/or had enhanced hearing you could make out Peter weeping slightly as he had to endure what he called toture and Tony called revenge for turning his hair pink.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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