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Today's Monday and it's an awful day because it's Monday. I have an algebra test for which I stayed up late, and I'm not even sure I'll pass. Jordan is out there somewhere. I haven't seen him since Saturday at the beach and I don't know if he's about to do something.

Today was a sunny day and I felt like walking so I left my car at home and walked to school.

Currently I'm walking towards the classroom, as I study somethings in mt algebra book. I'm really nervous, with Jordan now out of jail and everything, I barely had time to study. I haven't slept all night,  whenever I closed my eyes I would see him. I haven't told my parents yet, they're gonna be all protective if they know and they won't let me go out anymore or stay home alone. I don't blame them though, I'm scared myself.

Suddenly I hit something hard and my book falls on floor.

"sorry" I say and pick up.

"you're still studying? Relax, you'll have a good grade. You always do." Zayn says taking my book from my hand and closing it.


Are you sure you don't want a ride home? Zayn asks me.

"yes, I'm sure. I wanna walk home, the sky is beautiful today"

"Okay, just be careful" Zayn hugs me and open the car door to get in.

As I walk, a hand clamps down over my mouth and a hand wraps around me, trapping my arms at my sides and pressing my back tight against a hard chest.

I try screaming but then the cloth over my mouth dies my screaming. I try kicking the person behind me but it's no use. The person grips on me tighter as he drags me backwards with force.

As we get to the back of the building, the person removes his hand from my mouth. His other hand still wrapped around me. After a few seconds, he releases me. I don't waste my time as I turn around and start running.

Before I could even run, He grabs my wrist and spins me around to face him and I come face to face with Jordan.

He gives me the  'don't you dare run away from me' look.

"Sweetheart, I missed you so much" He says putting my hair behind my ear. I jerk away from him which makes him more angry. I try to move my hand from his grip but his grip tightens on me. "we can finally be together again. Nothing and no one will separate us."

"let me go" I yell to yank away from his hold only to wince in pain as it gets gets stronger.

His eyes are dark. He yanks me closer causing my body to tumble into his own.

I stop thinking, I'm so sick of him. I thought I was finally done with him.

"you;re sick. A psycho-" He slaps me on the face with all his force making my cheek burn and my lips hurt.

"SHUT UP" he yells.

I look at his hand that is holding mine. I hesitate for some seconds but then bite it.

He yanks his arm releasing me. I take the chance (A/N chOnce) and start running. I run as fast as I can and I hear his footsteps. I look around and see Jordan running behind me. I keep on running till I stop hearing his footsteps hoping he stopped chasing me.

I turn around and I don't find him. I stop running and sit. I close my eyes to catch my breathe.

A car stops in front of me.

"Louis? Are you okay? Do you want a ride home?"

I look up to see Harry. He is sitting in his car and has sunglasses on.

I nod and get in the car. I say a quick hello but I don't look at him even once. I'm sure a bruise has started forming on my cheek and around my wrist and I don't want him asking me questions.

I look out of the window as 'Two Ghosts' -one of his songs -starts to play on the radio.

"I was going to bring Zayn from his art sessions. I'll drive you home to home and then go bring him." Harry says and I nod still looking out of the window.

The ride is silent. We arrive and I open the door to get out.

"wait" Harry says taking my hand. I move my hand to cover it with my bag hoping he didn't see the red mark that Jordan's grip caused.

"are you okay? You haven't taked to me or looked at me the whole ride."

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say a little too quick and I open the door to get get out of the car.

"Louis, what's wrong?" He says putting his thumb under my chin, lifting it a little and making me look at him.

"y-your face... There's blood on your lips." he wipes the blood that is on my lips with his thumb and then uses a tissue to clean his thumb.

He frowns a little as he notices the bruise on my cheek and wrist. He holds my wrist gently.

"who did that?"

"no one, it's nothing. I just fell while I was running." I say looking at my lap.

"Louis, look at me! Who did that to you?" he asks again, more firmly.

"it's no-"

"WHO?" he says clenching his jaw.

I look at the ground and some of my hair fall over my face "Jordan"

He released my wrist and look at the road. I open the door and get out. I walk towards my house's door but before I open the door I glance towards Harry once and he was still looking at the road as if he was lost in his thoughts.

He then shakes his head and drive off.  I turn around, open the door and tun into my room.


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