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"So, Harry, how's life going?" Mom asks before taking a sip of her drink.

"um everything's fine"

"And where are you staying since you came back to Doncaster?" she asks him and I glare at her.

For the past ten minutes she's been asking him useless questions.

"I'm staying with my parents because my condo's being renovated but it will be finished soon."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"MOM" I mumble under my breath glaring at her once again.

She just looks at me innocently.

"um No, no I don't have one" Harry looks at me for a few seconds and smiles before looking at my mother again."But I'll have a boyfriend soon."

"Aww I hope so, you're such  lovely guy I bet everyone wants you."

OMG even my mom ships us together.

Harry clears his throat "um where's the restroom?"

"come I'll show you" I say getting up. Harry gets up too. I lead him down a hall to the main bathroom. I turn around to go back to the table but before I could, Harry grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him. He starts playing with my hair as he stares at me and smile.

"Harry..." I start saying but stop when he kisses my forehead.

"Have I ever told you how cute you are?" he asks and then kisses my nose. "you are thissss cute" he opens his arms in the air, sounding like a little child. I giggle at his cuteness. He pinches my cheeks and then kisses me before letting go.

I look at him and his smirk as big as ever. He mumbles something in my ear before winking at me. He then walks inside the bathroom.

I shake my head, smiling before going back to the table.


My parents and Zayn's parents are sitting downstairs in the living room while Zayn, Harry and me are sitting in my room.

Harry is laying on my bed and I'm sitting next to him while Zayn is sitting on my desk chair.

"Are you a kind of person who eats to survive or survive to eat?" Zayn asks Harry

"What's the difference between them?"

"do you live to eat or eat to live?"

"I live to eat of course" Harry says.

"um do you think if I stepped-" Harry throws a pillow on Zayn's face. I start laughing but stop when I notice Harry staring at me.  His stare can be intimidating sometimes.

"HEY" Zayn yells throwing pillow back at Harry. He catches it before it touches his face.

"I'm bored" harry says and then throws pillow at my face.

I try to throw it back at him but since we are sitting next to each other, he holds both my arms, pulling me to his chest. I try to get out of his hold by pulling backwards but I fall to the ground pulling him down with me. He falls over me.

"get up. You're crushing me" I say with a laugh. I put my hands on his torso trying to get him off of me but he just laughs instead.

I start hitting him on his chest but he starts laughing even harder. The thing is that he's much bigger and taller than me that it looks like a kitten hitting a tiger.

He holds both my arms and brings them over my head. He then joins our foreheads.

"Stop hitting me kitten."

"um guys, I'm still here" Zayn says and I blush as I notice the position we are in.

Harry and I get up immediately and he runs his hand through his hair. He clears his throat trying to break the awkwardness.

"let's go to the haunted house!!!" Zayn whisper yells.

"what?!! No!!" I say sitting back at my bed but then get up again when I see Harry approaching me.

Every step he'd take, i'd take one backwards until I my back hit the wall.


Now our faces are only inches apart.

Harry looks at me and smirks "why? Are you scared Louis?"

"no" I say a little too quickly. "I mean, no, I'm not." I bring my arms under my chest.

"oh really?" he says raising his eyebrows "let's go then."

"fine" I mumble looking away from him.

"YAYY" Zayn yells as he crushes me into a tight hug.


 Larry is so cute!!!

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